Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Extremely hard to really explain without lots of rude and crude words. Had to take the kid to his grandmas work to drop him off yesterday so that means driving on one of the busiest highways during lunch rush. I was in the lane that was an exit only to the road I needed. The lane next me had a huge yellow sign that said lane ends 500ft. I was coming up to where that lane ended with this ******* decided he wanted to fly up my side and try to butt his way in. I simply drove more to the left of him closing the gap between me and the car in front of me. Doing this resulted in my mirror hitting his and our cars scraping a bit. I then noticed that a firetruck was blocking my lane and causing the jam up so basically the ******* should have not only stayed in my lane to begin with but merge to the lane to the left of us instead of trying to cut me off.

Oh that sucks. Insurance will pay for repairs ?
30 pounds in a month is VERY impressive though ! you should be very happy with that

So yeah, here's me nerding out about weight loss. Strap in guys.

I do acknowledge it's a lot of weight, for sure, but I mainly look at it on a percentage basis. Most doctors say that 4-5 pounds a month is an average for good weight loss, and I agree on part of that: that it's an average. My theory is based on percentages, for example that 5 pounds to someone weighing 180 may be a significant decrease, but 5 pounds to someone that weighs 385 is significantly less on a mathematical level (2.78% vs 1.3%).

So taking the average weight of males and females in the US:

Weight Averages:
  • Male: 195.3 lbs
  • Female: 170.2 lbs
  • Average Overall: 182.75 lbs

Assuming that 5 pounds is the average of a good amount of weight loss, and taking 182.75 lbs as an average for everyone in the US, losing 5 pounds equals 2.74% loss. Using this theory, the same "average weight loss" for someone weighing 240 lbs would be 6.576 lbs.

Applying this theory to myself, average monthly loss for me would be 10.549 lbs based on my initial weight. Figuring the 30 lbs I lost, the actual percentage would be 7.79%, which is indeed great compared to the average, yet statistically much less than the 5 lbs average.

So yes, it's definitely a good amount of weight, even for a guy my size, but considering the type of diet I am on and the fact I am taking medication specifically designed to help me eat less to adhere to said diet, it feels a bit underwhelming on some level. Not to mention I am still veeeerrrrryyyyy far away from my goal weight. Though I will say I am about 18.75% of the way there.

Add that to the fact that if I keep losing weight at the same average (which is fairly unlikely, since the lack of soda type products and fried food fueled the initial weight loss, and will slack off more and more), it will get less and less each month.

Taking that all into account though, I am at least satisfied with my amount of weight loss. If I [hopefully] stay at the same % of weight loss per month, it would take another 6 1/2 months to reach my goal weight. Seems a bit too unrealistic to me, so I'm not holding my breath.

Re: Today I have...

got my PS2 set back up today, I still got all my saves on my memory cards :) shame crash bandicoot wouldn't read.

Played some scarface, Fifa Street, SWB2 and Smackdown Shut Your Mouth with some friends. Also went to the cinema and ended up watching nothing... for some reason.
Re: Today I have...

Lol what repairs? There is literally no damage to my car. I was doing about 2mph when that happened. I just wanted to teach that **** a lesson.

I love messing with people like that on the road. It's really amusing. I especially love when people think I'm driving too slow [at 80-85 mph in a 65] and try to pass me on the right...I just speed up gradually enough to close the gap between me and the slower car in the right lane in front of Speedy McRetard Jr so he has to slam on his brakes and get behind me...then I match the speed of the car in the right lane just to cheese him off even more. ^__^ Aaahhhh driving pastimes.

And the fantastic thing about it is I may be acting like a hat with a rear end on it, but I'm just returning the favor. People say treat others how you want to be treated...so I treat them the same as they treats me. :D Besides, I gotta occupy myself somehow for those long trips.

I've been thinking about putting a sticker like this on the back of my car:

Re: Today I have...

If I saw that on the road I would ****ing lol hard and probably crash. Yea I'm pretty much the same way these days. My car needs a lot of fixing anyways so I don't really care. Long as there is no wreck I'm good.
Re: Today I have...

If I saw that on the road I would ****ing lol hard and probably crash. Yea I'm pretty much the same way these days. My car needs a lot of fixing anyways so I don't really care. Long as there is no wreck I'm good.

See, problem is my car is fairly brand new...but people down this way are pansies when it comes to real aggressive driving. If I pulled something like that in New York or CT...actually I have before. That guy just started drifting into my lane slowly until I moved to avoid him hitting me...
Re: Today I have...

I like to pull out of red lights (when I'm in front) so fast that the people behind me don't know what the **** is going on. I also make my turns REALLY fast, and when in a parking lot never actually stop at stop signs.
Re: Today I have...

I love messing with people like that on the road. It's really amusing. I especially love when people think I'm driving too slow [at 80-85 mph in a 65] and try to pass me on the right...I just speed up gradually enough to close the gap between me and the slower car in the right lane in front of Speedy McRetard Jr so he has to slam on his brakes and get behind me...then I match the speed of the car in the right lane just to cheese him off even more. ^__^ Aaahhhh driving pastimes.

And the fantastic thing about it is I may be acting like a hat with a rear end on it, but I'm just returning the favor. People say treat others how you want to be treated...so I treat them the same as they treats me. :D Besides, I gotta occupy myself somehow for those long trips.

I've been thinking about putting a sticker like this on the back of my car:


If I saw that on the road I would ****ing lol hard and probably crash. Yea I'm pretty much the same way these days. My car needs a lot of fixing anyways so I don't really care. Long as there is no wreck I'm good.

See, problem is my car is fairly brand new...but people down this way are pansies when it comes to real aggressive driving. If I pulled something like that in New York or CT...actually I have before. That guy just started drifting into my lane slowly until I moved to avoid him hitting me...

I like to pull out of red lights (when I'm in front) so fast that the people behind me don't know what the **** is going on. I also make my turns REALLY fast, and when in a parking lot never actually stop at stop signs.

Wow.. kinda explains why your near the bottom of the list of safe roads in the western world.
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