Potentially the longest thread in history...

Ohh, ya, I got that part. jessica, lol. But why is it bad to format and reinstall if windows is effed up?

LOL well for myself, a software junkie, it's pure FUN to turn a computer that takes 10 minutes to boot, once booted takes another 20 minutes to load all processes, then proceeds to load 50 spamsites, thus locking up the computer, back into a normal 10-15 second booting faster than factory computer. it's nearly a game to me, it's why I still do repairs, and it's why my computers are always operating faster than 90% of my counterparts computers. I pride myself in skimming old reliable XP down to almost a quarter of its size, of making vista run almost as fast as xp, and tweaking 7 to run almost everything i've thrown at it flawlessly. I push, I delve, I hunt for the things that cause bogginess. oh yes, it's a pride thing. it's even more a pride thing that in 5 years of computer repairs, I have only reinstalled XP twice! it can all be fixed if you put the time in. to me, formatting and reinstalling is the lazy way out. so much so that I would never recommend several stores to people because those stores thought that was the only way to fix computers. almost anything can be fixed, you just have to have the drive and patience to do so :crazy:
Sure... I always keep one behind my left ear. >.>
Friends, or people you know?

My dad has one. Though it would be quite impractical for you to use it, being on the other side of the planet and all...
LOL well for myself, a software junkie, it's pure FUN to turn a computer that takes 10 minutes to boot, once booted takes another 20 minutes to load all processes, then proceeds to load 50 spamsites, thus locking up the computer, back into a normal 10-15 second booting faster than factory computer. it's nearly a game to me, it's why I still do repairs, and it's why my computers are always operating faster than 90% of my counterparts computers. I pride myself in skimming old reliable XP down to almost a quarter of its size, of making vista run almost as fast as xp, and tweaking 7 to run almost everything i've thrown at it flawlessly. I push, I delve, I hunt for the things that cause bogginess. oh yes, it's a pride thing. it's even more a pride thing that in 5 years of computer repairs, I have only reinstalled XP twice! it can all be fixed if you put the time in. to me, formatting and reinstalling is the lazy way out. so much so that I would never recommend several stores to people because those stores thought that was the only way to fix computers. almost anything can be fixed, you just have to have the drive and patience to do so :crazy:
Tweaking the OS; one of the most understated ways of improving performance (though also one of the most misunderstood, since a lot of people will just try to download 10 programs that claim to speed things up)
It also helps to have an interest in overclocking and trying to get the highest benchmark scores you possibly can on a particular set of hardware.
got a problem. Put my 5870 in and the new psu, and now when playing games the game will freeze, after a few seconds the screen will go black, then the gpu fan will ramp up for a few seconds, it will stop, then go back to the game. Im also having the odd bsod. Dont know what the problem is, might have to rma the gpu.
i'd put your old card back in and see if it still has the same problem... you probably already thought of that though lol

could also check the PSU rails (if you have a DMM)
no dmm, haven't recorded the stop code as i have only had that happen twice, and ya if the problem persists im going to throw my 260 back in, just not tonight, maybe the reseat i just did will fix the problem...i can only hope.
Friends, or people you know?

My dad has one. Though it would be quite impractical for you to use it, being on the other side of the planet and all...
Tweaking the OS; one of the most understated ways of improving performance (though also one of the most misunderstood, since a lot of people will just try to download 10 programs that claim to speed things up)
It also helps to have an interest in overclocking and trying to get the highest benchmark scores you possibly can on a particular set of hardware.

agreed in an immense way :)
im bsoding out side games as well its seems, just had two in a row...really starting to tick me off. bsod code was 000000b3, i believe anyway, couldn't really find what it was on google, just that it isn't a gpu issue, but perhaps a driver issue.
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