Potentially the longest thread in history...

Sure... I always keep one behind my left ear. >.>

It overheated with the Malwarebytes scan. I am trying it again in safe mode, but am pausing it once it starts to get hot and letting it cool back down. Two hours to get 42 minutes into the scan. 130 objects infected thus far, mostly registry entries. Thank God it only has a 40GB hard drive. I'm supposed to call up someone from church this evening and go wok on their computer... maybe I will have this scan done by then.

Just format and reinstall windows ;)
^ You know here at Tech-Forums we really don't like hearing those words. I'll let it slip this time but next time something suspicious will happen to your account ;).

Speaking of... Where's Jessica been recently?
^ You know here at Tech-Forums we really don't like hearing those words. I'll let it slip this time but next time something suspicious will happen to your account ;).

Speaking of... Where's Jessica been recently?

LOL wut? i format and reinstall windows every 2-3 months. I love a clean OS with nothing on it. Thats how you get sub 20 second boot up times :D
It's not the fact of reformatting. It's suggesting a reformat because of a problem ;). That's what T-F looks down upon.

And down upon is how Phil is being looked... upon.
wow... I virtually never reformat, I stay as far away from that as possible actually, perhaps it being a pride thing in which I keep my computer operating at top notch and even when problems arise I can correct them without that absolute last straw of reformatting... p.s. with win7 rc I still get 20-30 second boots on my really medium/low range lappy
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