Perfect 3D human reactions.

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well, I like realism (I'm not into shooting people trust me :D)

which was why I was sort of intrigued by DX10 and Crysis before I saw how much it wasn't that good
Theres some commercials I see on my cable once and a while that use that kind of technology.
scream scared the heck out of me lol. had my speakers way up cause i was listenign to some low quality soud earlier, forgot to turn them down. XD
ok, this is not quite what you think it is. it's a facial recognician software. there are definately some better animated facial expression software out there, the texturing could have been better, and there was virtually no movement between the eyebrows and forehead. however, it is great to have that software *and to be sure, hardware* available, the finer touches can be added later *sorry, I'm in animation right now lol*
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