My top 25 games of all time

What did you think about the new Most Wanted? I thought it was ok, but did not deserve the 9 ratings it got.

Also, the 2nd Mass Effect is the best in the series in my opinion. Mainly because of the fact that the 3rd one wasnt as much of an improvement as the 2nd one was over the 1st. I also thought that the story in the 2nd was more intriguing.

if 2 had the gameplay as 3 it would be even better as far as some of the little stuff they added like grenades and rolling
Also, the 2nd Mass Effect is the best in the series in my opinion. Mainly because of the fact that the 3rd one wasnt as much of an improvement as the 2nd one was over the 1st.

True enough. Not mention you get Grunt, granted he does get the awesome spot in 3 but its not the same.
Also of note in Mass Effect 2 was the awesome loyalty missions. Those were my favorite missions in the game. Each one gave you some great back-story and they were all interesting.
Yea, the loyalty missions were great. I think Jacob's was my favorite, for renegade. I just love the end when he hands his dad the gun and he's like "Its not for me, Dad" and just walks away.
I agree 100%. I loved his mission and I was Paragon. Both Jack and Samara's were great too. You really get emotionally involved with them.
I really enjoyed Jack's mission. Then again, Jack was pretty much my favorite character in 2. And 3. And dammit, I wish she'd been around more. And Thane too.
Jeeze guys, get a thread.

*looks around, confused*

Wait ... this isn't a thread?


Oh, wait, I get it. It's a koan.

Those often end with someone getting whacked with a shoe. Or hanging off the edge of a cliff after being chased by tigers.
No, I'm saying if everyone wants to circle up around ME2, "Get a room"

Or a thread.

The pun is ruined.
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