My top 25 games of all time

@Omoplata: iFargle is right, its so much funner if you're playing your own server with friends. I might also suggest finding some mods. Tekkit and Feed the Beast are some great ones that add technology to the game. You might also want to try the Invasion mod. You essentially build a base and defend some sort of portal thing (you decide where the portal is). It adds some super mobs and some new weapons too.

Also, if you're not up for the sandbox part of it, try finding some of the adventure maps on the forums and such. The Vech's Super Hostile maps are ridiculously fun and difficult. Especially so if you have some friends playing with you.

Hmm....that actually does sound like it might be a lot of fun. Thanks!

You guys are putting together some great lists. Loving the mention of older games. Some serious nostalgia hitting me. Even Borst with his silly ET reference.
This is sure to bore most of you, but I was a little bored myself.

Disclaimer: This list is subject to change without notice depending on how I feel that day. I may have also inadvertently forgotten some games.

1. Final Fantasy VII

I was going to reply just to add this as my number one. Good call.

I'd also need to include Half-Life 1&2 along with Couter Strike 1.6 and Source. The old Sierra collections would be in my top games as well (Kings Quest, Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry).
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ypu know what was a good game the nintendo Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. Also since the X-Men and Simpsons arcade games have been re-released i wish the tnmt one would come out again that was a good beat em up
I was going to reply just to add this as my number one. Good call.

I'd also need to include Half-Life 1&2 along with Couter Strike 1.6 and Source. The old Sierra collections would be in my top games as well (Kings Quest, Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry).

Yeah, that game changed me as a gamer. Sounds lame, but it is true. I considered adding Kings Quest 1 on there, but then I remembered how mad I would get when I fell climbing those damn stairs to the giant.

@slay They re-released the TMNT game on XBL
ypu know what was a good game the nintendo Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. Also since the X-Men and Simpsons arcade games have been re-released i wish the tnmt one would come out again that was a good beat em up

Man, I remember going to Chuckee Cheese (basicly a Pizza Hut with an arcade and a HUGE Ball pit maze thing) several times as a kid and always going to the TMNT arcade machine.. And it would be what I spent most of my time doing while we were there.. Me and Donatello were great friends in those days haha.

Also, X-Men: Legends anyone? And heck for that matter, Mega Man Legends anyone?
Man, I remember going to Chuckee Cheese (basicly a Pizza Hut with an arcade and a HUGE Ball pit maze thing) several times as a kid and always going to the TMNT arcade machine.. And it would be what I spent most of my time doing while we were there.. Me and Donatello were great friends in those days haha.

Also, X-Men: Legends anyone? And heck for that matter, Mega Man Legends anyone?

Donatello was the best in that game purely because of his range. We used to fight over him all of the time :) love/hate relationship with Mega Man.
Donatello was the best in that game purely because of his range. We used to fight over him all of the time :) love/hate relationship with Mega Man.

My brother and I would always alternate playing as Donatello lol. During the runs where he had him though, I always went with Raphael just because his jump attack was both different and better than the other three turtles'
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