Most troops favor Irar Withdrawl

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Im victim to that but its mainly repeating what i learn in school and what my dad talks about constatnly. Hes always online and watching the news about stuff like that and says alot of stuff. I dont say it anymore because most ppl dont listen in the first place so i say just agree to disagree ya?
Well, gee what do you expect. If your a fan of Bush you are in the minority, have been for a long long time. Like I posted above, if you honestly believe whats in your sig and you still like Bush, your being pretty dense yourself, or delusional, or either blinded or scared to take a close hard look at whats going on these days.
some people argue because they like to disagree with other people, plain as that. others argue because, yes, many have no idea what they're talking about and probably aren't even old enough to vote.

i argue because people make generalizations, they lump things together, they said "all there is to it is:...blah blah blah"...


The hope is that all this arguing prompts people to go out and get some backup for their viewpoints. In this process, they may or may not discover they're wrong or misguided. At the same time, this 'pointless arguing' prompts people to look into what others are claiming. This is how it should be. We should all be checking each other. I bet I'm wrong about some things, and I bet every single person here has some wrong information in their heads as well.

Either way, the liberals think they are right and the conservatives think they are right. If this wasn't so we could be under a dictatorship. Be happy people are arguing, for apathy and ignorance are the REAL enemies we should be fighting.
see that's just the kind of APATHY and IGNORANCE i'm talking about. that kind of thinking is why voter turn-out is so low. if thousands of people think like you, that DOES make a difference.

You have the priviledge to be able to have an input on the greatest decisions about this country's government and state of being. and you say it doesn't matter?

i think YOU, sir, are very naive.
FghtinIrshNvrDi said:
Contrary to popular belief, he's a very straightforward and honest man.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Good One! Omg, you're good man, that was hilarious. Encore! Encore!

FghtinIrshNvrDi said:
lmao... You don't think he's a smart guy? Wow. You don't get to be president and be a semi-intelligent guy.

Nope...apparently you get to be President even if you have no intelligence at all :p

gaara said:
I have a question to both the right and left participants thus far, why do you guys argue?

All due respect, stay out of this. You've gotta live in the US to know why we argue. Its futile for most foreigners to try to understand whats going on here.

FghtinIrshNvrDi said:
I quit, y'all are too thick skinned to soak up reason.

Please do, so we can Bash Bush in peace (I just said Bush and peace proactively in the same sentence, gotta go see the psychiatrist now...).

molsen said:
see that's just the kind of APATHY and IGNORANCE i'm talking about. that kind of thinking is why voter turn-out is so low. if thousands of people think like you, that DOES make a difference.

You have the priviledge to be able to have an input on the greatest decisions about this country's government and state of being. and you say it doesn't matter?

i think YOU, sir, are very naive.

And Kudos to you.

Ahh the wonders of ignoring a thread...
molsen said:
see that's just the kind of APATHY and IGNORANCE i'm talking about. that kind of thinking is why voter turn-out is so low. if thousands of people think like you, that DOES make a difference.

You have the priviledge to be able to have an input on the greatest decisions about this country's government and state of being. and you say it doesn't matter?

i think YOU, sir, are very naive.

See, that's the point. People still think they have input. You don't. Not even if 99% vote Kerry or Gore ot whatever. Get over it, or vote if you feel happier that way.
TheMajor said:
See, that's the point. People still think they have input. You don't. Not even if 99% vote Kerry or Gore ot whatever. Get over it, or vote if you feel happier that way.

Are you kidding me? Is that even a complete thought?

You should probably stay out of U.S. politics for now on...
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