Most troops favor Irar Withdrawl

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DJ-CHRIS said:
Bush is not heartless, just not the sharpest crayon in the box.

Anyways, the US are not the world peacekeepers. If I am correct Canada does alot more peacekeeping than any other country.

lmao... You don't think he's a smart guy? Wow. You don't get to be president and be a semi-intelligent guy. You guys are judging him based on the entertainment value of his speeches... His job isn't to be charasimatic and give you the little thumbs up like Clinton. It's to be President.

Yeah, Canada does a lot of peacekeeping... :rolleyes:

The US invaded Iraq, we didn't "peacekeep" it. Canada on the other hand has peace keepers all over Africa, specifically in the Sudan and Congo (DRC) where America is noticeably absent. Canada does a lot of peacekeeping.
You don't get to be president because you are the really smart. You get to be prez cuz you have the right connections (like your father is was the president).

Just listening to him talk is enough to convince me that, as DJ-Chris put it, "not the sharpest crayon in the box."

PS. I just want to share a part of the bio of Bush:
President Bush has taken unprecedented steps to protect our homeland and create a world free from terror.
That made me laugh. :D
FghtinIrshNvrDi said:

The second part... I personally am not familiar with that semi-local newspaper being from the Kansas City, Missouri region. If it is conservative, that is extremely rare. The media is generally an overwhelming wave of liberalism. The only strongholds the conservatives have is private newsletters, Fox News, and AM Radio. The trouble is, TV stations like Fox aren't conservative at all. They show both sides, and the left's points break down faster.

This area of Florida is rather conservative and it just happens that this newspaper is rather conservative also. You are correct, though. Mass media outlets do tend to be more liberal.

Your viewpoint on Fox, however, seems a little biased. Sometimes the left's point breaks down faster, but that's because no guest is invited to speak on the left's behalf. Alternatively, how can the left's points break down faster if they're not even presented in the first place? The above points also hold true for media devices that fail to present the right's viewpoint fairly, if at all.

It is the responsibility of a journalist to be objective and independent, but you RARELY see that. News is going to be most useful when you get it from multiple sources. Unfortunately, this survey was conducted by one company, probably with it's own agenda too.

So who knows?!?!!?

On a side note, since people are mentioning terrorism. You can't get rid of terrorism. A fight to eliminate terrorism is guaranteed to end in failure. Domestic and international terrorism has been around since the beginning of society and will always be a present force. If anyone, including our current Administration, thinks any amount of "intelligence" and invasions can stop terrorism, they need to go back to school and learn some basics about terrorism.
molsen said:
Your viewpoint on Fox, however, seems a little biased. Sometimes the left's point breaks down faster, but that's because no guest is invited to speak on the left's behalf. In addition, how can the left's points break down faster if they're not presented? The above points also hold true for media devices that fail to present the right's viewpoint fairly if at all.

But FOX does invite some guests to speak on the behalf of the liberal views, they just don't let them talk. :rolleyes: They are usually cut off when they try to talk.

Whats even better about that quote from the whitehouse bio I posted, is that its not terrorism that they say bush is trying to stop, but terror. Apparently, he is trying to get rid of a human emotion. :freak:
molsen said:
So who knows?!?!!?

On a side note, since people are mentioning terrorism. You can't get rid of terrorism. A fight to eliminate terrorism is guaranteed to end in failure. Domestic and international terrorism has been around since the beginning of society and will always be a present force. If anyone, including our current Administration, thinks any amount of "intelligence" and invasions can stop terrorism, they need to go back to school and learn some basics about terrorism.

I agree about no one knowing...

A fight to eliminate terrorism doesn't end in failure. It tends not to end though. There's always crazy idiots trying to blow us up. We ignored the extremeists back in the 70's. They had plenty of time to get their crap together and cause some trouble.

I'm tired of making point after point, but people continue to bash the President as if they could do better or acting like they're political experts. I'm about ready to give up. You can only chisel through so much skull before you want to just quit.

Vybuni said:
But FOX does invite some guests to speak on the behalf of the liberal views, they just don't let them talk. :rolleyes: They are usually cut off when they try to talk.

Whats even better about that quote from the whitehouse bio I posted, is that its not terrorism that they say bush is trying to stop, but terror. Apparently, he is trying to get rid of a human emotion. :freak:

Your lefty views have the Clinton News Network, so quit whining. As a side not, the liberals are the ones who CONSISTANTLY begin shouting and cutting of someone with composure trying to speak. It's a clear tendancy that has been around for years. It's similar to city people in opposition to rural people. The common courtesies and respect aren't there.

Sometimes words have more than one meaning. When dealing in political situations, "Terror" is a word that refers to an extremist mindset. Quit posting crap.

FghtinIrshNvrDi said:
You can only chisel through so much skull before you want to just quit.

We could say the same thing about trying to talk about bush-supporters.

I agree, however, that we need to give this a rest.
seems like a few of you are all caught up in "left" vs "right", IMHO thats about as myopic as it gets, dont ever let choosing a side blind you what's going on

zogby did the poll, same organization has also done polls about impeachment and many other topics

Bush didnt do well in the impeachment poll either.
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