Most troops favor Irar Withdrawl

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FghtinIrshNvrDi said:
Everyone would love to see the troops come home. I don't see how they think pulling out now is going to do any good. He's not keeping them there just to spite blathering democrats... We're the world's peacekeepers... In addition, I have strong suspicions about "Jacksonville's Conservative Newspaper."


Well, the truth is...if we leave now the country really will collapse. It was a mistake to go in there in the first place, but we can't just up and leave. What does that tell the Iraqi's, what does that tell the people in the United States and the rest of the world? Even alot of leftist people see that we cannot simply leave. What we need is co-operation from the U.N. or someone else to give some troops or aid.

The country is already on the verge of civil war, as soon as we leave it'll go that's for sure. Then, there will be far more problems down the line and alot of people dying. It will become a long drawn out war that really will never end.

Maybe staying there we can stabalize them a little and then with support from around the world we could stabalize it enough so that it doesn't collapse when we all leave.

I don't agree with the war though, it wasn't necessary.
Even when we "stabilize" the country, our pro-american government there won't last very long without active intervention by the US.
I used to love those cookies.

Yeah, America is doing a great job here. First they invade Afghanistan "to kill Osama bin Laden" lol. Then coincidentally they decide to take care of Saddam because of his nuclear weapons and because he's a bad leader... and now they are threatening Iran to quit their nuclear program. What a coincidence. And "just in time" the president of Iran is saying bad stuff about jews, so maybe they should invade his country too, now that they have 2 reasons. Here comes the World police.

Sweet bunny. Is it yours?
no, it's the same bunny that harper posts with the pancakes on it's head. Believe it or not theres a ton of photos of that rabbit with various items on it's head lol.
Nubius said:
no, it's the same bunny that harper posts with the pancakes on it's head. Believe it or not theres a ton of photos of that rabbit with various items on it's head lol.

I see, so it's Harpers bunny. It wouldn't suprise me if he actually takes these sort of pics.
Part of Bush's campaign in 2000 was to "Not be the world's police force." The Clinton administration was bad about invading countries too, the only difference is his wars didn't last as long and he pulled most troops out when the objective was complete. I know it all changed after 9/11, and I agreed with the war in Afghanistan because that government had direct connections to the attacks, but this war in Iraq is plain stupid and I always thought so.
rabbit is delicious.

Maybe this is me being pessimistic, but I don't know how well a democracy is going to work out in Iraq.... America is barely a true democracy right now, more like a constitutional republic... and we've had some time to practice.

How can we expect this country to just adopt democracy straight out of a dictatorship and everything hold together? It won't! It's going to fall apart.

I really hope I'm wrong though.
You're gonna LOVE this one ;)

[RANT] Look... The soldiers are doing their jobs. If they don't want to fight for WHATEVER reason, then they shouldn't have joined the military.

If you don't like bush, then LEAVE THE COUNTRY! We don't need you here... Go to Canada. (no offense canadians)

Im sick of all the whining. You don't like it?!?!? LEAVE IT!

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