FYI... plane crash within the next hour.

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Landing a plane isnt that hard without gear.

However downdrafts could make it hard, one of those can push you into the ground pretty hard, happened to me once.
lol seriously, how did that "happen to you once"

I just can't comprehend how a 17 year old kid it some leet hacking pilot with experience in everything
Where is nubius to tell me I have no idea what the hell I am talking about?
I'm right here, unfortunately gaara pretty much said what I was going to.

No matter WHAT the topic somehow already have experience in it....I swear you talk as if you're a 60 year old man who's serviced multiple countries militaries, been a senator or governor in multiple countries and have fought in a few dozen wars...

"its not that hard to land a plane without gear" give me a break, we aren't talking about a tiny little plane here, you have no freakin idea how it'd be to handle that crap.

If it's a little tiny sesna or something then maybe, but jesus....I'm tired of this "I know everything" kind of talk...
A cessna would be extremely difficult to land without a landing gear, and I'm not talking out of my butt on this one. I have experience in this area. :)
well, sorry , I don't have EXTREME KNOWLEDGE in aircrafts and everything else in the physical world like DJ-Chris obviously does, so I just posted the first small plane I could think of, and as you see I also horribly mispelled it :p
Wow, Nubius showed up... I thought he let one of DJ-CHRIS' posts to slip by. JK. :)
I can't do's my absolute goal in life to contradict anything and everything DJ-Chris's because he's canadian eh.

WARNING: The above statement of canadians is to be taken in stride. Those without a sense of sarcasm or humor can ignore the comment and go on with their lives. This has been a friendly notification by Nubius
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