FPS Question: WoW & 8800GTX 768mb

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it could be conection lagg as alot of the servers get packed up, its most likely internet latency.

nope. it aint your internet that lags you. Even when you unplug your network cord you can still run about for 10 or so seconds before you are disconnected. Internet speed has nothing to do with how well the game runs visually.

I have an 8800GTX too, and yeah, in areas that are really smokey or hazey it lags down to like 20 frames or 30 frames, really annoying. I'm running it at 1680x1050 with full settings for everything. Without vsync on it usually runs at like 120 frames a second, but when I enter Terokkar or Duskwood or somewhere where there is a lot of ambience effects in the air, yep, lags it up ="(

It isn't that your card can't handle it, just poor resource management when it comes to 8 series cards in WoW. Hopefully they'll fix it with Lich King cause by then it will be a standard card to have. If not, outdated.
It may not be an issue with you as that screenshot shows you don't use many.

But also try disabling addons and then check fps again... sometimes it only takes 1 addon to bork up everything. Even if you havent added any recently.
Hey dude, WoW and Dual Cores no good.
Try this : Turn off V-sync, and run WoW windowed mode, and then run WMP in the background i get about 100-200fps With my set-up tell me how it goes.
that doesn't help. sure the frame rate then goes over 60 most of the time, but that doesn't change how it looks. the only thing that is annoying is when it drops under 60 fps and turning off vsync wont change that. it is just a compatability problem between the 8800s and WoW.
my x9150XT could run it without any slowdown at all with full settings, AA and AF, no matter where i went. was always at 75 FPS
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