Final Fantasy XIII-2

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lol what hacks :p

well, i always get stuck on the first fal'cie on gran pulse, so i just overlevel on pulse and do all the cieth stones and i end up completed the game one handed
I have my ways lol. I can edit my characters pretty easily.

My first time through I rushed too much and missed a LOT of the ending of the game and most of the middle. I need to do it right this time and play more of the game itself.
Right now I'm currently waiting on an array of updates to finish downloading at 20k/s =(
I've played 1-3, 10, 10-2, and 12 to completion or close enough. I've played 7 a little, and I'd say about a quarter to a third of 13.

Not counting the mmo's, I'm confident in saying that 13 is the worst FF game in existence. The story never pulled me in. It just seemed so homo. The graphics didn't impress since they waited so long to release it. Finally, and most importantly, it isn't fun to play at all. It has one of the worst battle systems I have ever seen in my life.
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