Do Apple sacrifice substance over style?

I have 8GB in my 2010 model and according to Activity Monitor I use around 4GB at all times so upgrading your RAM to at least 4Gb should help.

Not really. The trackpad on my 2010 MBP is still far more functional than any trackpad I've ever used.

One of the only things I like about Macs. The trackpad; that and the magnetic charging port.

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What programs are you using that cause it to overheat? This kind of behavior usually stems from any program that isn't properly optimized. Usually an older "universal" Mac program or a game that wasn't ported properly.

Macs are designed with passive cooling systems to keep noise down to a minimum and to prevent necessitating multiple fans that increase weight and bulk.

Unless you're a bear or other fluffy creature, you can absolutely use a Mac on your lap because the vents are on the side, not the bottom. It took PC manufacturers a few years to follow, but this design is now pretty much standard fare for laptops.

One more thing... Have you done the update to Mavericks?
This is just something I've been thinking about recently. My Macbook tends to overheat really quickly and crash when it gets to hot if I use certain programs. Just in general it always get's REALLY hot and starts to hum really loudly, like a plane about to take off.

I spent some time googling why this is and found out that for the whole Macbook, they only have two tiny fans right at the back. Some more searching led me to some places saying that the reason Apple do this is because they don't want vents anywhere visible on the machine because it would ruin the look of the computer.

I understand Apple area obessed with appearance, almost above everything else, but it seems in this case they almost took it too far. Macbooks could benefit so much from just a few more fans to keep things from overheating so often. And proper vents so that the air can circulate properly through the computer.

Any thoughts on this? Has anyone else had trouble with Mac products getting really hot?

try this System Preferences > Energy Saver > Uncheck Automatic Graphics Switching. what it in fact does is that in order to save power, it uses the CPU to do the work of the graphics card, and of course you can imagine what happens when running HD vids. Unchecking it will force it to always use the GPU. Which, takes a heavy load off that CPUs load.

i hope it works for you :)
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