Case power switch question

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Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
A guy at work was asking me about his old computer. Seems that the power button was messing up, in that he couldn't just push it and the comp come on... he had to hold it a second.

That second eventually became two, then three, on up to ten. Now, it doesn't work at all.

He has since bought a new computer, but was wondering about getting the old one back up to give to his girlfriend... and to get his pix he had saved from his digital camera that are on the hard drive (he said around 1000 or so).

So, does it sound like he needs to have the switch replaced? That's my thought, but I figured I'd ask to get a general consensus. I figured he could get a new, spiffier case (and PSU) so his girlfriend would be pleased.

Could be a loose wire that came unsoldered from the switch, or the motherboard could be dying.

I have like 10 of those switches, lemme know if you want one and I'll mail it to ya.
You can test the motherboard by shorting the 2 pins on the motherboard where the power swtich wire connects. Just use a screwdriver and make contact with both pins at the same time. This will bypass the case power switch.
I guess I'll get him to bring the comp in to me and I'll try shorting the pins first.

If he doesn't want to get a new case, I may just take you up on the switch offer, CrazeD.
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