Button for clone mode monitors?

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Hey, Was wondering if I could have a button made and just double click and change the settings for my display. Instead of going through properties-> nvidia-> multiple display-> clone view. please help :D
I fear you misunderstood. I have no problems doing this, i would like a icon that when i run it, it will do these things for me?
I don't know of a tool to do this but to program it would be pretty difficult. You would have to know the ins and outs of the nVidia drivers first before attempting it.
I don't know of a tool to do this but to program it would be pretty difficult. You would have to know the ins and outs of the nVidia drivers first before attempting it.

Yeah thats what i was afraid of. Haha, thx for the confirmation on that
I don't know of a tool to do this but to program it would be pretty difficult. You would have to know the ins and outs of the nVidia drivers first before attempting it.

nah you wouldn't. Try using Autohotkey ;). It's basically one of the best ideas anyone's ever had, with it you could easily write something like this with that. Glaxal, you still want a program for that?

edit: ah, I think I know what Baez was thinking. This won't allow you to put the button IN the nvidia console, this would only make a button for say your desktop or wherever.
orrite, I'll write up the program then. Just clarify these things for me:

1. Is this button meant to be like a 'preset' kinda thing, e.g when pressed it'll set your res, refresh rate, general screen settings, etc. to a specific set of settings every time?
OR do you just want it to open the nvidia control panel to a certain tab? e.g you click it and properties-> nvidia-> multiple display-> clone view comes up straight away.

2. If you want the button for the preset function (as described in question 1) do you want another button to reset your display back to what it was before? useful if you wanted two screens for something, then a quick reset back to one.

anyway, get back to me on those points and I'll knock it together for you.
Nah same res and everything. just want it to apply the clone mode if at all possible
ok, I'll assume you're using the latest set of drivers too (not sure if nvidia changes the gui around much between versions)
I'll try and get it posted up today sometime.
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