Battlefield 3 is coming!!!

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Bigger maps isn't necessarily good lol. I play a shooter to play a shooter, not to play battle tanks. I can fire up the ole n64 for that one.
Maybe some of us are not as good at shooting as you are and enjoy blowing you away with a tank - lol - just found out this is not out until fall. Have been too busy to figure that out until yesterday.
Just got an email with this.


Interesting :) Especially as ShopTo are quite a new games retailer to the UK, they have only been around 5 or so years but have grown rapidly in this time. I got a £5 voucher a while back for being one of there first 5000 orders, too.
Maybe some of us are not as good at shooting as you are and enjoy blowing you away with a tank - lol - just found out this is not out until fall. Have been too busy to figure that out until yesterday.

That's why I don't like vehicles. You have to pick engineer, which I don't like at all, on those kinds of maps to stand a chance, and then what is even the point of the other classes? I'm an assault type of guy. I throw in medic once in a while though. When they combined assault and medic in 2142, that was orgasm. Well, I guess 2142 was my first bf, so I didn't know how good it was till I played bf2 and bc2 which didn't have that awesome combo.
That's why I don't like vehicles. You have to pick engineer, which I don't like at all, on those kinds of maps to stand a chance, and then what is even the point of the other classes? I'm an assault type of guy. I throw in medic once in a while though. When they combined assault and medic in 2142, that was orgasm. Well, I guess 2142 was my first bf, so I didn't know how good it was till I played bf2 and bc2 which didn't have that awesome combo.

Assault + Medic sounds crazy overpowered. And it's correct that only engineers should be able to drive vehicles, but for that they should also make vehicles more powerful and difficult to use. It would be a good tradeoff.
I like that any class can jump in a vehicle and go. Having it so only engineers can repair vehicles works well (even if it is unrealistic).

While they haven't released any info on how classes will work in BF3, I look for it to use some elements from both 2142 and BC2.
I just don't like it how you can't fight back against vehicles unless you are an engineer. You just have to hide in a building whenever that tank is out there, and that is lame. I want to play the whole game. I don't want to have to spend 5 min just sitting in a house because no one wants to play engineer.
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