"Avatar" Has a $500 Million Budget, Can It Make a Profit?

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wow...i just read that....and that's amazing

$500 million? Most movies barely rake in $100million....

And it's going to be 3 and a half hours long?! That's insane if it's true....If both of these are true I think I might go see it just to see why they put so much into it :\
Box office revenue is barely 25 - 30% of total revenue. All the revenue comes afterwards when it comes out on DVD, PPV, and merchandise sales. So if it can rake in a good $200 million at the box office, it will be a relative success. And in the article it says that James Cameron also might sell the CGI technology for this film, so there's some more money there.

It was a very interesting article, and i'm now tempted to watch that movie!
Talking todays money.... how does $500 Million compair with movies like
H ell's Angels (1930, Budget $3,950,000)
Ben Hur (1959, Budget $15,000,000)

Any ecomonists here? Does any one know of any website where I can entire in Dollar Values and Year and get the (rough) equivilant to how much that money would be worth in today.

A simple compairsion for some newer movies
Lord Of The Rings Trilogy - Budget US$ 285 million
Star Wars Prequil Trilogy - Budget US$348 million

At least with LoTR and SW, there is an existing following for years before the movie was release.
So lets be fair when we comapair the movie to a some thing that came out of the blue....
The Matrix Trilogy - Budget US $363 million

So for the producers sake, Avatar better not suck.
Talking todays money.... how does $500 Million compair with movies like
H ell's Angels (1930, Budget $3,950,000)
Ben Hur (1959, Budget $15,000,000)

Any ecomonists here? Does any one know of any website where I can entire in Dollar Values and Year and get the (rough) equivilant to how much that money would be worth in today.

by my estimate $15mil in 1959 would be worth about $109mil today
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