Any1 here play guitar?

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Dante_Caligari said:
I suck. Really. I have been playing for about two and a half years and I just can't seem to get the hang of it. I have tried books and doing stuff off of and Tabcrawler, but I am just BAD. I have tried everything but lessons, and I don't really have the money to do that. Plus I am having trouble with my Amp now. It fluctuates in volume, and it is really annoying. I play my guitar through my computer speakers, but it's just not the same. Oh well, maybe Guitar just isn't my calling?

i sucked 2 but i downloaded a really usefull program *Guitar Pro* and it helps alot i learned a cpl of songs off that and now i can play with out the help of it lol u should try it.:)
I'm still working on pics and what not. I'm still SUPER sore from surgery. Dr. says NO to lifting anything.......including my guitars. lol As soon as I can though I'll take pics and post. I'm also trying to get a few of my recordings on the net for you all to hear.
TonCrafter said:
I'm still working on pics and what not. I'm still SUPER sore from surgery. Dr. says NO to lifting anything.......including my guitars. lol As soon as I can though I'll take pics and post. I'm also trying to get a few of my recordings on the net for you all to hear.

Great cant wait to see the pics.
I play acoustic...looking for a yamaha acoustic actually....I love the sound of the old acoustic guitars..>I bought my brother one for 90!!!! it was all banged up tho lol but oooooooo man the sound of was AWESOME!
I wish i could play the Banjo or any kinda Bluegrass. Anybody heard of John5? The guitarist from Marylin Manson did a solo thing called Vertigo. Its freakin awesome. If you get a chance listen to Sugar Foot Rag. Ah the sound of a Tele.
Sorry for bringing a dead thread but its pointless to start a new one. I promised Nubius and some others of a pic of this so here it is. My Marshall Mode4 Half Stack and half of my other stack. Sorry bout the bad quality.
Stop stretching the layout. Some of us don't have gigantic resolution monitors you know...
I thought I already saw this in that thread near christmas. When I thought it looked like an old blue colored amp when in reality it was new, but due to the lighting, made it look different. I'd love to jam on that. Bet it sounds clean as 'heck'
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