Any1 here play guitar?

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right now i have a really generic guitar and its REALLY beat up but im playing on ordering that sometime this month

ps RIP dimebag he was amazing
I suck. Really. I have been playing for about two and a half years and I just can't seem to get the hang of it. I have tried books and doing stuff off of and Tabcrawler, but I am just BAD. I have tried everything but lessons, and I don't really have the money to do that. Plus I am having trouble with my Amp now. It fluctuates in volume, and it is really annoying. I play my guitar through my computer speakers, but it's just not the same. Oh well, maybe Guitar just isn't my calling?
Oh well, maybe Guitar just isn't my calling?
perhaps. Maybe you'd be more suited for a bass guitar, or just not guitars at all :p

Obviously some get the hang of it easier than others. Look at eric clapton. He's self taught I believe and considered one of the greater guitar players. People like dimebag darrell were wailing on guitars within 2 years whereas I've been playing for nearly 6 and still can't do what he could.

I only taught myself, but that's also why I'm not as good as I could be. Didn't practice enough, things such as that. When I moved out too there were long periods where I didn't even play.
self tought or lessons as long as your dedicated and you practice you will pick up the skills soon enough theres like 5 of us at our school and a few are amazing who have been self taught and a few are amazin that have taken lessons, personally i only belive in lessons for learning music theory and then you can figure the rest out yourself because thats the key to soloing like dimebag or others you need to know the major/minor and penatonic scales
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