Potentially the longest thread in history...

Is anyone else getting a load of errors on the site? D:
I'm getting:

- Every post is apparently a 'duplicate of the last'
- When I log in I'm getting 'invalid url' instead of any forwarding
Put the "www" in front of the URL before you log in. I believe it's a weird thing with VB; happens on another forum I go to.
Its not just the quick reply, also everything I type in the box will post but it will also stay in the box so I have to delete it everytime I want to time something new.
Oh god. Because i'm 18 my Bank has changed my account. What i didn't know is i now have an overdraft.

I currently have an account balance of £1.75 D. What does D stand for ? debt ? oh noes :cry:
Yami has been after me for a while to upload a video or audio clip that has me talking so he could hear my accent. Well, I finally found a clip I recorded on the snowfall this past Christmas morning.

You get the view from my front porch, as well as a shot of my wife's Expedition, a little of my poor old Escort, and the bed of my late father's truck (at about the 0:20 mark).
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