Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Today I didn't go into work as I'm sick. Threw up a couple of times last night, and am still nauseous. I'm thinking the weekend long binge of drinking didn't help the fact that I had been fighting off a sickness for about a week and a half. It finally got the better of me. Hopefully I'll feel better soon.
400 bucks right now would have this Mustang pretty **** sweet. New LED tail lights and new rear shocks and I'm good to go. Oh and 20 bucks in the tank would fill me up.
it takes at least 100USD to fill my van up LOL. Most of the time I bum a ride from my sister or borrow her celica. it takes 30 to fill up.
Re: Today I have...

OMG No drink and sicky. nope dont do it I did once and I regreted it and I was even more sicky. had stomache flu real bad and thought it would be a good idea to drink a whole bottle of VO to drown my depression over school drama. not cool.
None of you should be complaining of gas prices. Americans have it so much cheaper. Here they're charging $1.30 a litre right now. Factor in currency exchange and up it to the gallon you go by and we're paying about $5.35 a gallon. Gas taxes are ridiculous here.

A caravan costs about $125 to fill now.
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