The Food & Drink Thread

Re: What are you Drinking now?

Coffee made with an old fashion percolator is the only real way to make a pot of coffee. It's flavor leaves a drip maker tasting like mud in comparison.
Re: What are you Drinking now?

Can anyone recommend any home made soft drinks. Something a bit different. Mabie I would have to by some sort of dispenser to carbonate the juice \ moctail with .
Re: What You've just eaten thread....

Last night rite, get this. I have some Garlic bread, and some chili. I lay in bed for about two hours crying in pain then just totally fell asleep for about 6 hours until this morning. The pain was unreal. Took two Co-Codamol a Naproxen, and still lay their thinking and convinced I was dying from the Gout.

Absolutely F*ing horrible and you just wouldn't wish that level of pain on absolutely no body. Not even your worst enemy.
Re: What are you Drinking now?

Had a Rockstar Punched this morning:


Looks like the rest of the week will be Spider energy drinks as my funds are low. I can pick one of them up for less than a buck including tax at a local grocery store. They pack 240mg caffeine so it is definitely a good bang for the buck.

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