Regarding god saving the kittens-

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Some people are just fking wrong.

I don't get why there isn't the death penalty for this kind of abuse. If you got caught doing that kind of sht, you should be shot.
Roshi229 said:
you can tell an herbavore vs. an omnivore vs a carnivor by the teath in thier head and the manner in which food is digested... look at your own teeth, smile in the mirror and look at the meat shredding cutting teath in the front and the pulverizing ones in the back!! YOU WERE BORN TO EAT MEAT, and PLANTS!! (?? is this to go against my religion to deny myself meat??) it urks me, and no offence to anyone who chooses to live thier own lifestyle... and who am i to judge... so i try not to... but it gets to me (on my own level as far as my personal decisions go) when a choice is made to go against the form in which you were born... for instance, i believe men and women were born carnivors with an inteligence above that of the rest of the animal kingdom.

Aren't humans omnivores naturally, not carnivores? :confused:
Well, I think it is sad that you can get punished harsher for killing an animal than an equivilant crime to a person. (I do not have a direct case to quote but if anyone does...).
Yeah......well guess what people. It's called the cycle of life.

This is mainly towards the vegan.

Vegans always tend to push their beliefs on others and claim their way of life is better and healthier.

If we weren't meant to eat meat, we wouldn't have SHARP CUTTING take that up with god

Beyond that, guess what...plants live too, and you kill them to eat them. Same principle....oh well it's just a plant you say it doesn't have feelings? This is not true, it's a scientific fact that plants will 'scream' when you cut off a stem of theirs.

Their screams are recorded through electrical impulses of course, but the fact remains, things die, thats the way it goes.

Now I do believe in atleast killing the animals we eat in a humane way, meaning they don't ever feel a thing or know what hits them, so I don't want to hear this 'killing isn't humane'

If we were meant to eat plants we'd have molars and just molars in our mouths and not thin front teeth for slicing and cutting and beyond that we practically have fangs.

Your body adapts to whatever you put in it. There was some BS on the news about a lady who's been eating sand for 30+ years, yes I'm not kidding SAND, so for all those who think 'vegetarianism' or 'veganism' is healthier way of life, well then you got some learning to do my friend, as exercise and a daily routine of whatever it is you eat, and good sleep is the key to health, not just plants.

Vegans kill the same as any meat lover....just because you can't hear the plant make noise doesn't mean you aren't hurting it when you cut it down.

IMO i think that we were meant to be herbivores
Men have always had sharp cutting sure aint for plants. Like I said above....take that up with god if you think that.

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
Hmmm, there's already 6+ billion people on the it is there are already species of animals that's overpopulated.....if humans ate nothing but meat, this place would be even more crowded.

The fact remains, you can be healthy no matter what you eat, whether it be meat, plants, sand, or the bottom of your shoe.

We are meant to adapt, and that's what we do.
Well sed Nubius! :D:D:D:D Apart from the eating sang bit.... Silicon dioxide doesn't provide adequate nutrients
Hey Nubius can you hit me with a link to that sand-eating woman? I couldnt find anything on it. Very well put as well, I dont see the difference either. But I have no problem eating animals, I live in Northern Minnesota after all and I better not have one:p :cyclopes:
Nubius said:
Yeah......well guess what people. It's called the cycle of life.

This is mainly towards the vegan.

Vegans always tend to push their beliefs on others and claim their way of life is better and healthier.

If we weren't meant to eat meat, we wouldn't have SHARP CUTTING take that up with god

Beyond that, guess what...plants live too, and you kill them to eat them. Same principle....oh well it's just a plant you say it doesn't have feelings? This is not true, it's a scientific fact that plants will 'scream' when you cut off a stem of theirs.

Their screams are recorded through electrical impulses of course, but the fact remains, things die, thats the way it goes.

Now I do believe in atleast killing the animals we eat in a humane way, meaning they don't ever feel a thing or know what hits them, so I don't want to hear this 'killing isn't humane'

If we were meant to eat plants we'd have molars and just molars in our mouths and not thin front teeth for slicing and cutting and beyond that we practically have fangs.

Your body adapts to whatever you put in it. There was some BS on the news about a lady who's been eating sand for 30+ years, yes I'm not kidding SAND, so for all those who think 'vegetarianism' or 'veganism' is healthier way of life, well then you got some learning to do my friend, as exercise and a daily routine of whatever it is you eat, and good sleep is the key to health, not just plants.

Vegans kill the same as any meat lover....just because you can't hear the plant make noise doesn't mean you aren't hurting it when you cut it down.

EDIT: That's got to be the most ridiculous short sighted opinion I've ever heard. How in gods good name did you come up with that? Men have always had sharp cutting sure aint for plants. Like I said above....take that up with god if you think that.

Another complete BS theory. Hmmm, there's already 6+ billion people on the it is there are already species of animals that's overpopulated.....if humans ate nothing but meat, this place would be even more crowded.

The fact remains, you can be healthy no matter what you eat, whether it be meat, plants, sand, or the bottom of your shoe.

We are meant to adapt, and that's what we do.

Vegans are the biggest hippocrites out of anyone. You praise to not kill, yet you do it yourself. It's a living thing, and you kill it for your consumption. WHY ARE YOU KILLING!?! ITS WRONG IT"S PLANT ABUSE OH NO, YOU"RE EATING OUR RAINFORESTS STOP THE INSANITY

vegans = misguided wannabe saviors of the human and animal race. Get a grip on reality

Nicely Put Nubius.
But for a good argumeant you need to shows plusses and minusses on both sides. I think you were all one sided on that arguement.
mm, I would kinda say its up to them to make the opposite argument actually, but thats me. I try to convey both sides but... Probably not always, But when it comes to something like this I would say its on them.
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