Windows xp boot issue

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Baseband Member
Please get back to me quick i have a computer that is giving me an error message when i boot it up
that file has somehow been deleted or corrupted and because of it the computer is telling me to run a repair on it. How do i do this?

What is the exact error code you are getting?
Does safe mode work?

If that file is truely corrupt you can do a repair install if you have your original XP disc.
the exact message is this. Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt :


you can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup CD-ROM
Select `r` at the first screen to start repair.

Please tell me the commands to fix this.
ok i hit enter to set up windows then agree to the license agreement and it says "to set up windows on the selected item press enter. to create a partition in the unpartitioned space press c. to delete the selected partition press d. i cant repair it. am i going to be forced to reinstall it?
Yes, there are some installs that do not allow repairs - not sure why but there are. That tutorial even outlines that sometimes R isn't an option.

I believe a reinstall is your only choice because /windows/system32/config/system is not one file so you can't just use the repair console to copy that over.

You'll need to backup your files and reinstall. To backup your files either:
-boot into safemode
-take the drive out and connect it to another PC using an adapter
-Use a linux Live CD to boot the PC, then copy the files
well i used a ubuntu cd a while ago that is why i did not give the exact code when i started this thread. so i need to format the drive and reinstall it?
If you don't need to save anymore files - yes a format and install would be the only solution.

Unless someone knows something i don't about /windows/system32/config/system location, but my understanding is that isn't one file that is corrupt, but your system which would require a reinstallation / repair to fix.
i am using a windows home edition cd to fix the prob the lap top is a windows media center edition 2005 is that an issue?
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