Where Can I Get A Job

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I know this kid, he was only 15 and he started fixing computer for his neighborhood. He put a sign, said heÂ’ll come to your house and fix and solve your computer problems. He made a lot of money for such a young kid with a smart mind. Now heÂ’s gain a lot of experience and at 18 heÂ’s working for me at Sovereign Bank as an intern.

You can go to people house and offer to fix their computer for a lower price than what best buy or geek squad charge, youÂ’ll probably make good money and gain experience.
I would like to do something like that, Law, if I lived in a community with more than two other houses. One being my grandmother and the other being my friend who has a computer that's sunk into the ground with spyware and all kinds of problems, but his parents are extremely ignorant and won't let me touch it because I'm just a kid (I'm 17).
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