Whats so great about FEAR??

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Their's just a certain feel each engine has, which is this "movability".

HL1 and HL2 have the BEST feel ever
vaderpro said:
Hmm...i havnet played farcry yet....but HL2 graphics were way better than anything ive ever seen, even doom3....

are u kidding me??? i have half life 2 it's graphics is not bad but it is not better and it can't be compared to doom 3 and farcry, doom 3 and farcry have the best graphics to this date ( FEAR Haven't released yet), much much better than half life 2 and others games
I didn't like the FEAR gameplay either. FarCry totally owns it. I cannot comment on HL2.
I played CoD2 yesterday, it's very similar to CoD1, but with better graphics, so it's definately worth it cause CoD1 rocks.
DJ-CHRIS said:
Their's just a certain feel each engine has, which is this "movability".

HL1 and HL2 have the BEST feel ever

Yes, exactly. And that makes it the most enjoyable to play, more than anything else ive tried...
maroon1 said:
are u kidding me??? i have half life 2 it's graphics is not bad but it is not better and it can't be compared to doom 3 and farcry, doom 3 and farcry have the best graphics to this date ( FEAR Haven't released yet), much much better than half life 2 and others games

But doom3 is restricted to the same "graphics" the entire game, which is indoors....maybe hl2 just shows better graphics on my system than doom3....
Maroon - Doom is probably will run better on your 6600 than Half Life 2. Doom is opitmized for Nvidia, Half Life is for ATI.
dhw200 said:
Doom is opitmized for Nvidia, Half Life is for ATI.

No they aren't. Neither does F.E.A.R. "dislike ATI cards"... Put, say for example, the X800 XT and 6800 GT - side-by-side in (for the sake of arguement) a SM2.0 environment and you're looking @ similar if not identical performance and IQ, give or take.
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