What You've Just Bought!

Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Probably not :tongue: but neither will my leather case

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Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Just bought a new watch to go along with my new silver EDC items.
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Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Just bought a bunch of new clothes seeing as though my wardrobe is severely lacking at the moment. £280 in total. Waiting for me to go and pick up from down the road.

Also need to get a sim only contract as my current contract runs out in 20 days. Just gonna keep my m7 until I find something that I want, the contract I found is only a tenner a month :)
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I've been needing new clothes for several years now, as has my girlfriend. Our plans are that, since I will be able to cover rent+bills+food+savings etc. for the both of us on my salary, any money that she makes will be free expenditure for clothes, PC parts, whatever (and a bunch of savings).
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Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Jeez, you're even significantly outspending me...

It was between that and an Omega Speedmaster, but the speedmaster I like is quartz and this one is automatic. So... :tongue:
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Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I'm kind of dissapointed right now in Oculus. They just announced the display spec for the Rift CV1. I was going to definitely buy one, and now I am not so sure.

It's 2160 x 1200 split between two screens at 90hz. So basically two individual screens at 1080 x 1200 each. This is kind of a piss take. These screens were in the Crescent Bay demo, which was shown 8 months ago. When they first showed crescent bay, they said it was a 6 month old prototype. So the CV1 is basically the same spec as a a 14 month old device, and it's not going to be out for another 10 months. So basically they spent 3 years and a boat load of Facebooks money to release a device that by the time it goes on sale will be 24 months old in terms of screen spec.

And yet HTC / Valve managed to produce a dev kit with the same resolution screens with presumably a fraction of Oculus's budget and a team 1/10th the size. HTC have also said the consumer version of the Vive may well have higher res screens, though they're not positive on that.

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