What You've Just Bought!

Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Ya know, you don't have to buy it as soon as it comes out. You can wait to see if it's rubbish first, like most people.

Well of course I wont order one if it sucks :p

But I get the money ready because IF it is good, and I want one, then I can order one.. because if I like it, and don't have the the money within the first hour preorders go live, I will literally be waiting 4+ weeks for them to come back in limited stock.

First world problems. Saving money is part of being an adult, I suggest you learn that skill if you're older than 18.

Yup, 19. I've recently taught myself the skill of figuring out my outgoings for the month ahead before I go and spend my months pay. I figured that would be a smart move to start off with my first job. So whatever happens, I have all the money I need this month to cover *real* expenses like car tax disc, fuel, food etc. It's just whether I have enough for said luxuries as well which is another matter.

Over time I will teach my self to save. This month is a hard month, because I am down money from car tax disc and using way more fuel than usual, yet also wanting the new iphone. A regular month wont be me wantign a £500 phone while also having less money than usual.

That said I swear these expensive months seem to crop up more than the normal months. I think normal months where there are no unexpected expenses are actually not normal at all :p
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Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Well of course I wont order one if it sucks :p

But I get the money ready because IF it is good, and I want one, then I can order one.. because if I like it, and don't have the the money within the first hour preorders go live, I will literally be waiting 4+ weeks for them to come back in limited stock.

Yup, 19. I've recently taught myself the skill of figuring out my outgoings for the month ahead before I go and spend my months pay. I figured that would be a smart move to start off with my first job. So whatever happens, I have all the money I need this month to cover *real* expenses like car tax disc, fuel, food etc. It's just whether I have enough for said luxuries as well which is another matter.

Over time I will teach my self to save. This month is a hard month, because I am down money from car tax disc and using way more fuel than usual, yet also wanting the new iphone. A regular month wont be me wantign a £500 phone while also having less money than usual.

That said I swear these expensive months seem to crop up more than the normal months. I think normal months where there are no unexpected expenses are actually not normal at all :p
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

EXACTLEY!!! I want money for EVERYTHING.

Saving a lump of money for a prolonged amount of time is not my strong point. I'm weak, I give in and use it for small things like games and pizza


I do the same thing. Only difference is, I have the money to spend on stupid things

Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I'm glad saving comes natural for me.. I like seeing climbing numbers in my bank account (not my credit card... so much gas money... $4.20 a gallon isn't fun)
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I do the same thing. Only difference is, I have the money to spend on stupid things


So do I technically.

£693 a month, 200 on fuel, 200 on living costs, 40 on paying for rMBP, 253 left for whatever I want.

Its my first pay month so it'll take a while to see how much I spend just on day to day stuff, so that'll change round a bit.

I dont have any bills other than car costs and food at work to pay for.


I'm glad saving comes natural for me.. I like seeing climbing numbers in my bank account (not my credit card... so much gas money... $4.20 a gallon isn't fun)

There really REALLY needs to be a rule that stops Americans complaining about gas prices.

I'd jump into a basket of syringes for them prices.
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Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

So do I technically.

£693 a month, 200 on fuel, 200 on living costs, 40 on paying for rMBP, 253 left for whatever I want.

Its my first pay month so it'll take a while to see how much I spend just on day to day stuff, so that'll change round a bit.

I dont have any bills other than car costs and food at work to pay for.

Living on that kind of income.. saving should be a priority, especially while you live with your parents, when you have the least amount of responsibilities. What happens when your car breaks down and you have a 500 dollar payment to fix it? Or if gas prices suddenly doubled? etc etc.

It's like.... arguing with a brick wall.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

There really REALLY needs to be a rule that stops Americans complaining about gas prices.

I'd jump into a basket of syringes for them prices.

Nah, it balances out as you guys have vehicles with MUCH better gas mileage while we are shafted by the auto industry working with the oil companies here. When you are only getting 15-17 MPG then $3.70 a gallon hurts pretty bad.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

But don't worry, since Obama (I think) announced that the average MPG of an american car should be 50MPG by 2025!

(in case it didn't come across, I was ridiculing that statement)
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Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Not to mention your whole country can probably fit in my state. We have to drive further here. I just had to drive to our old house which is simply "on the other side of town" and it took me 40 minutes one way. Half a tank of fuel just to drive there and back.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I totally agree, Kman. You're the one who drives an inefficient vehicle. Don't complain when it costs a lot in gas. Even if you can't afford a new shiny hybrid, you can get an old Metro or Saturn that sips gas.
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