What You've Just Bought!

Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I love hawaiian pizza. Yummo. The canadian bacon pieces from places are usually the size of a nickel or something, or cut up all lame. Pepperoni sized pieces sounds BOMB AS **** SON. With some fresh pineapple AHHH that would be awesome..
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Didnt realize there was a specific way of making Canadian bacon. The ones on the pizza i got last night though are the size of regular peperonis.

you made it sound like it was large because it was Canadian bacon.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

A jacket from teh USA. Turns out that you guys have bumped up your sizes :p a medium-sized jacket over there would be large (possibly even XL) over here lol
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I was very surpised to find this figure in the first place. Let alone finding this figured on a second day of a comicbook/scifi/anime/pop culture expo/

The figure is Tiffany The Amazon from the Spawn Comics. They did a cartoonish spawn series of figures about 3 years ago, the rest of the figures sucked in my opinion as I did not like what they did to the other character. However the Tiffany one was the only exception IMHO.

As the shop stall lady telling me "That was the last one of her. We got the other ones in the set." I just did not want to insult or make her feel unahappy that she has a lot of dead stock by saying "That okay, I got the rest of the series all ready few years back, I just needed this one"

Shame they did not do much with that character in the comics. She shows up for about 2 issues to kick Spawns butt. She gets defeated and after that the only time she was spotted briefly was toward the end in the Spawn Armageddon storyline.

And I only paid normal shelf price of $25.


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Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

A jacket from teh USA. Turns out that you guys have bumped up your sizes :p a medium-sized jacket over there would be large (possibly even XL) over here lol

America has larger sizes of any country, in everything, although i should think Canada is similar. I remember in canadian restaurants a small coke was as big as a large coke in the UK.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

But a large coke over here would be a pint, right? (depending on where you go) More than a pint would be awesome :D

Though when I'm at Pizza Hut, their free refills gets abused as we each have more than a four-pint jug to ourselves. In a slightly-related mote.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

The last time i went to our local theater me and my gf got two medium drinks, if i did not know better i would think they were like super extra large, its insane, you could fit like 5 cans of pop on one of em.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

T2 novel series

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