What You've Just Bought!

Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I was thinking about getting a Sansa Fuze
What are the buttons/wheel like?

the surface of the clicking wheel feels kinda soft even though its not, but it feels solid and works well enough. the scrolling wheel feels more plastic-y, which it should because it is but it also worked well for me, although ive read that some people have had problems with it getting stuck, i never had that problem.

also, the back was kinda more prone to scratches that the front, atleast for mine since i never had a case for it.

not really sure what kind of info you're looking for here, but those are some of the things i remember from mine.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

sansa fuzes are excellent. had mine for 2 years without a single problem! got another larger player for me so my sister can have my old one since she has a crappy phillips POS that takes 20 presses to turn it on and it dont support playlists.

the sound quality is so much better then apples offerings. they have the best DSP (digital signal processor) of any mp3 player. I have JVC flats and they seem to be perfect together.

the problem about it getting stuck was the e2xx models that are now dated. the fuze wheels are solid and have a better fitting.

but fuze is awesome. the wheel is the best nav for an mp3 player that is not touch screened.

I will write a review later :)
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

just got a sansa fuze 8GB!

I had a 4GB and gave it to my sister. she is likin hers and I'm lovin mine

I got 8 GB worth of music on it (compressed@128Kbps) so I can get a total of 10GB now. just gotta compile more playlists.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

yesh! you can and that's the resaon I bought both fuzes!

but my sister needed a new one cuase her POS phillips is acting like a coccyx. it takes 20 attempts to turn it on and it acts like a senile rabbit on meth.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

2007 Skoda Octavia TDI (with tiptronic transmission)

Only has about 3,500KM on it.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

$11,500. They were $24,500 off the lot in 2007. Pretty good deal if you ask me, considering the car itself is pretty much brand new.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

not too bad. ;)

I wouldn't pay more then 20,000 for a car rite now. I'm afraid to have expensive things becuase I am afraid to break them and I gotta baby them and that's not me lol.
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