What is your favorite Linux distro?

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Erich K

In Runtime
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Right, I'm interested in knowing everyone's favorite Linux distro.

(I searched a few times looking for a similar thread and I didn't find one. But if a thread like this already exists, please delete this one)

Moving on, my favorite would have to be Kubuntu, because of how simple and easy (for me anyway) it is to use.

What's your favorite and why?
Debian is excellent, works great, comes with excellent software, has a widely used packaged manager, and 99% of software I've needed I could just apt-get and it worked great.

So, my favorite is Debian.
PCLinuxOS .92

This is the system I use and recommend, why? Because put simply everything works out of the box with no configuration and like Kubuntu and it's lesser equlivilent Ubuntu fits onto one CD that can be used as a live or Install CD. Also although it is based on Mandrake, Texstar has made a sincere effort to move away ftrom a OS that has a 'clone look' with Individually packaged environments and applicvations. You don't need to pick and choose what you need, it is all preloaded, if you need extra programs you can download them using the Synaptic package manager. And one of the Biggest advantages is... It plays windows Media. No I lie not it really does. No more pulling your hair out over sub par video support.

If you are looking for An alterinitive to Linuxor just wanting to get your feet wet in the world of Linux then this distro is for you.

Source: Taken from Reveiw Written 18th August 2006 by Jakec

i like ubuntu.. being fairly new to linux its been a pleasure learning with it.

I cant see myself moveing away ffrom it either as it just works right.

I use debian on the laptop though as its old and slow and ubuntu wasnt working right.
RedHat/Fedora Core - Easy to install, maintain and manage. I've been using it ever since 1999 and its never betrayed me even once.

i had to mess with debian too much to get my screen to look right. i liked that everything i needed worked right off the bat with ubuntu.

i've been testing out pclinuxos, but i've been having trouble getting my ethernet drivers to stick. everytime i reboot i have to reconfigure it to get the internet working.

i vote for ubuntu
I'm liking SUSE 10.1 on KDE right now. It's the least troublesome for me and things just seem to work automatically on both my desktop and laptop.
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