web host problem

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Baseband Member
i just wonder what do people think when they create web sites.... what do they usually offer within the web site..... how if one person want to learn how to build a web site but does not know, what to fill the content of the web page...... yeah maybe some people will say for fun....but how to make it useful enough for society....?
I have created some minor websites, and it is not easy. Especially for those of us who do not have degrees in marketing, but want to offer a service. A good tip is to do a search for a subject that has to do with what you are interested in (search engine) and then look at how the pages of the top ranking sites are laid out (not that that is why they rank high).

Also, you can google "good web sites" and things like that to see what people are including in successful web sites.
If you are just looking to build a website to learn, you can put anything you want for the content. If you are asking what type of site to design which is useful for society... thats a personal site. You can only fill content on a site for subjects you know about. Take something you are interested in and roll with it
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