Warhammer Online issues

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I keep reading about this game and played WOW at a friend house and I was not impressed with WOW, But this looks so much better and I think I'm going to jump into this one. This will be my first MMO. One question, How much is it monthly to play this one?


Same old same $15 a month with the first month free.
Warhammer seems to use a load of ram on my pc, between 1gig - 1.3gig.

Other than that its your gfx holding you back.

i know this might not be directed towards me, but I'm almost 100% sure that's my problem too. 128mb nvidia 6600gt + 2x512mb sticks of ram doesn't help =P
i know this might not be directed towards me, but I'm almost 100% sure that's my problem too. 128mb nvidia 6600gt + 2x512mb sticks of ram doesn't help =P

I would completely agree. I would not recommend playing this game with less than a 256mb gfx and 2 gigs of RAM.
i've acctually been able to play it decently (still on lowest settings, everything off or sliders all the way left) but it looks like crap obviously. as funny as it sounds, and since i want to get as much out of it until i order hardward upgrades within the month, i try to point the camera view down to avoid loading textures/terrain/etc. in the distance. lol works more or less but still... i'd rather not =P
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