Wht does the CL2.5 mean? Does C2 meant that the ram is of a better grade? Whats HyperX Ram?
How to know if the ram is of a good one?
For example,
512MB DDR266Mhz ECC reg DIMM CL2.5 and 512MB DDRMhz ECC reg DIMM C2. Which would you choose? The PRice are the same for both part.
ECC and ECC Reg.
Whats the diff between the two?
Does Single sided RAM and double sided differ in performance?
Im setting up a Server that is critical to the company network. I know i have to use ECC, but there are so many abbreivations for the type of RAm.. How should i choose?
How to know if the ram is of a good one?
For example,
512MB DDR266Mhz ECC reg DIMM CL2.5 and 512MB DDRMhz ECC reg DIMM C2. Which would you choose? The PRice are the same for both part.
ECC and ECC Reg.
Whats the diff between the two?
Does Single sided RAM and double sided differ in performance?
Im setting up a Server that is critical to the company network. I know i have to use ECC, but there are so many abbreivations for the type of RAm.. How should i choose?