The Start(ing) OS


Minecraft Veteran
Hello fellow techies!

Lately I have been playing around with the YLMF OS, modernly known as the Start OS. This is a Chinese Linux Distro, and apparently requires very little computer power to run. The minimum processor speed is somewhere around 300 to 500MHz, and the recommend RAM is around 1GB, minimum being much lower than that. I haven't extensively gone through it, but I do like it so far. According to my research, the YLMF OS was designed with the intention of the UI to remind the user of Windows. And let me tell you I'm shocked Microsoft hasn't sued someone yet. Versions 3.0 and 4.0 mimick Windows XP and then Windows Vista so closely I'd go as far to say that it could fool most basic users. The only dead giveaway is the symbol of the OS, being something like a yin-yang sign rather than the traditional Windows logo; and the blocky-like feel Linux usually boasts.

I realize this OS is less than popular amongst most computer enthusiasts, but if anyone has had the chance to use this OS, what is your opinion on it and why? :)

P.S. If you do not have the OS but you want to try it I don't recommend downloading it from any websites because the download speed for me maxed at 15.8KB per second; which translates to a couple hours of downloading. If you want either version 3.0 or version 4.0, let me know and I can send it to you over skype or something. Guarantee that method would be faster.
Wow, I just looked up screenshots of it...


That's ridiculous :tongue:
Yep, that's version 3.0 and so far my favorite. Lol The problem is that it's basically Ubuntu with a different UI. It will pressure you to "upgrade" it and when you do it just corrupts everything.
Yeah, still in alpha. Considering its a small team of developers essentually trying to figure out Windows code without source, I could be patient :p.
Yeah, still in alpha. Considering its a small team of developers essentually trying to figure out Windows code without source, I could be patient :p.

Oh, their goal is to be compatible with Windows? I thought it was just a Linux OS built to resemble Windows.
Nope, they're goal is get it running Windows applications. They have some specific applications running I know, but not everything is compatible unfortunately.
Nope, they're goal is get it running Windows applications. They have some specific applications running I know, but not everything is compatible unfortunately.

Even so, that is pretty awesome. It'd be nice to have an open source OS that could run Windows applications a little less painfully.
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