The Official Tech-Forums Battlefield Bad Company 2 Discussion

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Re: Has Battlefield Bad Company 2 online problem fix yet??

That is why I hate playing pubs... Wish FF could just get 8 consistent people so we can scrim..
Re: Has Battlefield Bad Company 2 online problem fix yet??

We could at least scrim in the FF server with us few. As soon as people see at least 3-4 people in squad rush they will join and the server will fill I bet.
Re: Has Battlefield Bad Company 2 online problem fix yet??

We'll have to get FF together with ERR sometime. I am working on getting back into ERR and there is a core group of us playing most every night... Sahaal, Backsight, CmdrChris, Bluegrass, Legend, and me. Hopefully Moskau will be able to join in with us in a few days. open the server up so that all us ERR can play on the same team and they would probably be down for it.
Re: Has Battlefield Bad Company 2 online problem fix yet??

Ohh yeah!! FF against ERR!!!! woohoo!!!! Our server is set to pub rush so join anytime!
Re: Has Battlefield Bad Company 2 online problem fix yet??

What is this FF and ERR that everyone is talking about?

I changed the title of this thread to a more appropriate one if ya'll don't mind.
FF is Free Fallers clan created by myself and some members from tf joined it. Err is the old clan trotter is in.

P.s. Sorry about lousy sentences on iPhone.
Had a great session this morning. Played with this really good group of players. We were on a 10 game winning streak, leveled up to 4, unlocked a couple weapons, 40mm grenade, and defibrillator.

I'll check that FF server tonight.
ERR = ~ERR~ = Elite Redbone Rangers. ERR started up back in the BF Vietnam, moved to BF2 when it came out. They incorporated COD4 for a while. After it died down things got stagnant and I was told that the clan had disbanded. It turns out that the clan hadn't dissolved but had dwindled down to a few. Once I heard that they were playing again I jumped back in. All cool guys.
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