TF game

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Really? Full version. Cool. lol. It seems like a cool game just by looking at the front page lol.

-- Just got the confirmation email.
Ohhhmg this will take like 9 min. When i get on do i have a buddy list? If so well can i have peoples names for it?
No buddy list, unless you use Gamespy or Xfire. What's the use for buddy ist anyway? Just join a good server like the =GP= Girlpower server or HappyCarnageXP ( and play.

But you should first play on one of the n00b servers so you can get to know the game.
ok. Do you have xfire major? If you do whats your name? I'll add you right away.

- I was just wondering about the buddy list because in c&c renegade you could keep a buddy list. Kind of like xfire but it like came with the game.
No, I don't use Xfire and don't use Gamespy unless I really need it for certain games.
You can contact me on IM:
AIM: TheDutchMajor
YIM: TheDutchMajor
ICQ: 227633709
MSN: TheMajorMSN -at-
Ok. My download is at 73%. I might give ya an instant message on aim or msn soon.

-92%. your busy *crys* lol. Anyways this topic has gone banannas!!
The HappyCarnage server doesn't exist anymore I just heard. Play at Girlpower (dunno IP) or XP Save Fast Save (
No, but maybe I will in a few minutes. Let me know wich server you are on.
Download the file attached to this post. Very useful for minimizing ET while playing (ALT+Z).


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Ok thanks for ALL THE heLP!! :) you rock. Im probally going to be in girlpower if i can find it. if i cant ill tell ya what server im in
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