Teach Me!!! HALO 3.

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Fully Optimized
Gahh when ever i see that 'Shotty Snipers' game come up on Live i cringe because i really suck at it. The guy is like 10 meters away and i miss. Can someone add me and maybe train me a bit?

Gamertag is: CypriotNEO

Thank you.
I can help you but I'm not the best at halo but I am pretty good at sniping.

What weapon do you use when people are 10 feet in front of you and you cant hit them? shotty or the sniper?

BTW gamertag is: fire power rule
Well i have to use the sniper when they're 10 metres in front of me bouncing up and down because that person is lining up my head, and at that distance its either take your chances with a one shot kill using a sniper or weaken them with a shotty and let your team mate finish him off.

PS: Ill add you.
Well i have to use the sniper when they're 10 metres in front of me bouncing up and down because that person is lining up my head, and at that distance its either take your chances with a one shot kill using a sniper or weaken them with a shotty and let your team mate finish him off.

PS: Ill add you.

When I go to my friends, I play online, honestly I really don't care for the Shotgun.

Personally I keep a Sniper Rifle and a Battle Rifle on the side, so in case I miss the headshot, they'll be shield drained, and I can switch to the BR and finish them off with 1 or 2 bursts and save that extra bullet for another time. :)

It might not really be helpful for you.. or it could idk?

Or you could do that Shotgun + Melee thing if you don't blast them fast enough
The battle rifle is my favorite weapon along with the needler. I'm pretty good with both. But i need some tips/training on how to just take out people with a sniper long range before they get me because i only have a few seconds.

Of course the obvious solution would be to just keep playing but im getting worse and worse with the sniper everyday. lol.

PS: Shotty Sniper you only have a sniper and a shotgun, so BR isnt an option.
I usually go for headshots for an instant kill. But when you're zoomed in, the circle crosshair turns red on the enemy, just shoot in fast bursts. That will usually get them, then just hide to reload quick.
I sent you a friend request, I don't know when I will be on but I see that you are in Australia that may bring up some issues with time.

Do you have all the new maps? Cold storage, Heroic, and Legendary map packs?
I am a fantastic sniper in any game. I just love the weapon. I have halo 3 as well. Basically you will want a lower... err can't think of the word right now... a lower turn speed (the numbers that you change from 1-10 in the controller settings). If you are used to it being rather high like me (8-10), you may want to drop it down to 3-4 for sniping. I use 8-10 and still do good sniping, but i'm used to it. Then you have to practice keeping your tiny circle near their head before zooming. If they are 10 meters (or 30ish feet) try to get your tiny aiming reticule in the general head area, then zoom and focus. Also, never stand still. I know it can be hard getting used to running and sniping, but unless you have a great hiding spot, you gotta move.
Hmm, interesting. How can i change the controller settings on the 360 in game?

Do you have all the new maps? Cold storage, Heroic, and Legendary map packs?
No, ill download the free ones at the end of my billing period.
Any point once you are in Halo 3, hit Start then go to the right "Settings" tab. Then choose controller settings and adjust the sensitivity. If you have never changed them, they are probably already at 3 and any lower will cause you to turn very slowly giving you a disadvantage in close quarters.

EDIT: I am adding you to my friends.
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