Staggering GT5 vs Reality screenshots

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SCEA/their subsidaries (Polyphony, Zipper, etc) have always been awesome at making great games with amazing graphics; just look at what they pushed the PS2 to do with God of War, and Socom, as examples.
I'd like to see some fullscreen shots. You can make a lot of games look stunning when you shrink down the screenshots like that.
I gave up on grand turismo games when they started forcing me to spend 15 hours on the same crappy car and crappy track just to be able to buy a half decent car to race with. Also the license stuff put me off the game. I loved GT2 but GT3 just made me hate the game.
ive seen the same done with forza motor sport2, on the xbox 360, both are stunning games, alltho grand turismo looks to be better slightly.
here are some forza 2 picks ive taken.

both games are very realistic, these are a few of my own personel screen shots, no photoshop what so ever.
besides the 720p res there preaty good i find.
also ive got quite some nice drifting pictures on my external aswell, all tho gta% does take the cake it looks much improved from the demo ive played at futureshop.
Don't BS and be a PS3 fanboy :cool:

There is a very small difference between the two.

I prefer the gameplay of Forza many times over GT games, but GT games have to graphical edge.
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