Soundcard upgrade

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Baseband Member
Hello, I have a question about soundcards. Right now, I have a Soundblaster Live 24 bit card with Logitech x-530 speakers. I just got the speakers and they sound pretty good, but I was wondering if an upgrade in the soundcard would help. I would want a card that is good for playing music and nothing more as I am not a gamer and I don't need a card that does anything more than sound good playing mp3's. Also I am on a bit of a budget and wouln't want to spend more than 100 bucks.

Does anyone have a recommendation or should I just keep the card I already have. I wouldn't want to spend any cash and not see a significant improvement. Thanks
I'm pretty sure that the Soundblaster cards are some of the better ones. As long as you have a card capable of 24bit, you'll get the best sound quality outside of Hi-def sound. Music CDs are formatted for 16bit, so you should be fine.
I had a sb live 5.1! (digital, came with the dell 3 years ago) and upgraded to a x-fi music. I am astonished at the improvement, and this is using 128kbps mp3's. I had been using the Altec Lansing ATP3's and just got logitech z-5500's.

I would say i noticed more of an improvement from upgrading the soundcard over the speakers.
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