Riddles are pure fun

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SpoiledBoar said:
A woman shoots her husband.
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.
Finally, she hangs him.
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How can this be?
He is god.
john3 said:

A carpenter was in a terrible hurry. He had to work as quickly as possible to cut a very heavy 10 foot plank into 10 equal sections. If it takes 1 minute per cut, how long will it take him to get the 10 equal pieces?

9 minutes?? i dunno that seems too obvious
I think the 'cut' means one backwards movement.

9 seems obvious though, maybe the trick is to see if people think you need 10 cuts to cut a piece of wood into 10 pieces... Or he has already done one cut and timed how long he has done?
john3 said:
A carpenter was in a terrible hurry. He had to work as quickly as possible to cut a very heavy 10 foot plank into 10 equal sections. If it takes 1 minute per cut, how long will it take him to get the 10 equal pieces?
5 minutes...?

One cut lengthwise, four widthwise
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