rickroll.it: Double RickRoll someone!

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Golden Master
rickroll.it: Double RickRoll someone!

For too long, people have hid rickrolls in TinyURLs. A much better service to hide them in is rickroll.it. No one would suspect a thing!
The service is just a URL shortening service, but one I love to use because no one dares to click the link. I often post non-RR content in one of these, but I feel I have used the power of Astley to trick them nonetheless.
Rick Roll It! is mainly just a piece of fun but is fast and very user-friendly. Unfortunately, features such as ‘previews' which TinyURL has are not available with rickroll.it.
This site is obviously primarily a tool for mischief.
A way to boost the Schadenfreude achieved through rickrolling someone, though, is to con someone into actually clicking a rickroll.it link, which leads to a rickroll. Like this one.
So, how many people can trick a friend with this one?
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