PS Vita Slim


Fully Optimized
East Coast of USA
I just got the new Vita Slim and am loving it!

I'm on lunch so I can't completely test this sucker out, but it is so much more comfortable to hold. It is lighter and the back touch is harder to accidentally hit.

The screen is a shade darker, but I don't think it will get in the way of gaming. I can't wait to load up dragons crown and borderlands 2 on this thing tonight!

Early review...I love this model!

More to come later!
I've been really thinking about buying one of these. How much was it and where did you get it? :tongue:

EDIT: answered my own question. $200 for a Borderlands 2 bundle. Hmmmmm.....

EDIT 2: So I went out and bought the Borderlands 2 bundle today. TBH I'm really liking it so far. $200 definitely isn't a bad price. BL2 is installing as I type :tongue:
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Ok. I have played with it enough to get a good idea of how in going to enjoy it.

The new form factor of the vita is super comfortable and light. I love the back touch being smaller. I don't accidentally hit the back touch anymore.

The screen is not quite as good, but the overall device feels so much better, that it clearly outweighs the screen being different.

It was well worth the purchase.

I'm going to post my impressions of BL2 vita in the appropriate post.

Vita rocks.
probably just keep the one i have and buy the controller handles for it also if i buy a japanese vita tv do you think it will work or will it be region locked
Vita tv from Japan won't work well here. Guaranteed

You can have my vita controller handles. Just text me your address and sheet and ill pop them in the mail beeyotch.
So I'm usually not a fan of JRPGs but Persona 4 Golden is pretty good so far. I'm a few hours in.
Glad you like it man. I have the original Vita and I really like it. Being able to game on the go is awesome, and remote play with PS4 is no joke.
yeah vita is freaking awesome i really hope they bring vita tv to the west though also ghost have you used remote play with 2 different wifi networks yet i heard it can be done but i haven't done it yet
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