problem with microsoft visual C++

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Fully Optimized
I have been trying to write my program. and often when i try to build, it just hangs while it is linking, when i try to close the application from the 'x' box i get the following message

"you cannot close the workspace while a build is in progress. Select the Stop Build command before closing this workspace. "

i then need to go to the task manager and kill the process from there, and it then says that the program is not responsing, and i hit the Ok...

why is this happening
i want for a couple of minutes
the program is a really small one, almost a "hello world"
maybe there is something wrong with your compiler, or mabe just a simpe error in your source code.
no, it is not the code, since i can overcome the problem by copying, closing down visual c++, it kind of gets stuck, kill it frrom the taks manager, and then pasting the code again and compiling.
then there's something worng with the ccompiler. i think it's easier if you just reinstall visual c++. sorry i can't be of any more help
i am going for it
i have burnt some oil and some of my hair has turned grey in the process.
I to have the same problem, have removed and reinstalled compiler several times Version 6.0

Normally happens when there are certain types of errors during compile, but I havent been able to determine exactly what kind.

It also happens if you leave the application running, try to rebuild it, getting error LINK : fatal error LNK1168: cannot open ... for writing

Fix problem, save files, then CtrlAltDel and kill the process, then restart Visual C, and try again.

So at this point it should compile, but it still hangs, you have to modify cpp file, save it, CTRL ALT DEL and recompile, then it runs.

When the compiler produces and error message, it should stop the build process, but it doesnt, its like the IDE didnt get the error code back from the compiler. Compiler keeps going, and eventually links, then hangs. I think the IDE is waiting for the linker to end, which it did, but the IDE still thinks the linker is running, so it waits....

Anyone find a solution?
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