Potentially the longest thread in history...

I think "far better" is subjective. Would it be possible for an ai to have remorse or sympathy? Or just straight statistic on making $.

I wont work for a corporation ever again because of the way they are ran.

Locally owned places in my line of work (sous chef) pays more and gives you more freedom. Every corporate ran job ive had had had dumbass rules on how to do xertain things that made no real sense....but you had to do it there way.

In my last three jobs if i wanted to change something i could call or text the owner and explain how i wanted something done and why. And 9/10 times got my way because even if fiscally it was worse, it helped with personal morale making thing better.

With AI i feel like it would all be rudundant.

Remorse or sympathy... hmm... emotions are I believe an intimately biological thing. So genuine remorse and sympathy, probably not. But, if AI is superintelligent, it will surely understand how it's action will effect others emotionally. E.g. it will understand, very well in fact, that pay cuts are not liked, people don't like being gave boring jobs, or bad hours, etc.

So while it won't have true emotion like we experience, it will understand emotion and what creates and drives it. AI machines will just strive for hyper-efficiency, maximum output for as little input as possible etc. Hopefully we can hardcode in certain rules somehow. But you'll probably find it works out anyway, e.g. a happy workforce is a productive workforce. So the AI won't keep you happy because it actually cares about you on a human level, but it'll keep you happy because that's when you work best, and that's when the company makes the most money. ALso, if it's that intelligent, it'll even do a good job of pretending to care about you :p

I think it'll be interesting how all that kind of stuff plays out.
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Any advancement in SSD tech is the right direction. Maybe more speed is pointless but the more it evolves the cheaper more space becomes.

That may be true, but that doesn't make optane any more exciting for me :p still an overhyped pos as far as the immediate effect it will have.

Remorse or sympathy... hmm... emotions are I believe an intimately biological thing. So genuine remorse and sympathy, probably not. But, if AI is superintelligent, it will surely understand how it's action will effect others emotionally. E.g. it will understand, very well in fact, that pay cuts are not liked, people don't like being gave boring jobs, or bad hours, etc.

So while it won't have true emotion like we experience, it will understand emotion and what creates and drives it. AI machines will just strive for hyper-efficiency, maximum output for as little input as possible etc. Hopefully we can hardcode in certain rules somehow. But you'll probably find it works out anyway, e.g. a happy workforce is a productive workforce. So the AI won't keep you happy because it actually cares about you on a human level, but it'll keep you happy because that's when you work best, and that's when the company makes the most money. ALso, if it's that intelligent, it'll even do a good job of pretending to care about you :p

I think it'll be interesting how all that kind of stuff plays out.

Why wouldn't an AI have emotions? I wouldn't think emotions are intrinsically biological at all, after all your brain could theoretically be reduced to just electrical impulses. How that maps to what you process as "emotion" I have no idea :p but there's nothing I can see as far as your brain network goes that requires meat to be included.
That may be true, but that doesn't make optane any more exciting for me :p still an overhyped pos as far as the immediate effect it will have.

Why wouldn't an AI have emotions? I wouldn't think emotions are intrinsically biological at all, after all your brain could theoretically be reduced to just electrical impulses. How that maps to what you process as "emotion" I have no idea :p but there's nothing I can see as far as your brain network goes that requires meat to be included.

As far as I'm aware being the residential loon; in my experience the electrical impulses in the Brain are sent and received but as the Brain is very economical the protein bindings and thus the biological side of the Brain recognizes the signals by stimulating certain proteins because say for example Anger; the flood of this feeling in the ego center were the personality is held.

I think its something close to that but I know the protein bindings that essentially make the gray matter is responsible for the emotion side of things because the personality what in entangled in the Brain is essentially responsible for the control of everything including how we react, control of emotions ect:

EDIT: Something like that anyhow. :p ..
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I have a G900. I can tell you I notice no lag whatsoever compared to a wired mouse.. I love this thing :tongue:
I'm just gonna put this out their in regards to AI.

Thing is, if we do as a race develop AI capable of rudimentary tasks even let alone advanced processing such as emotions how would this actually fit in to the Political and social construct of the human race it self.

Its all good and well having some sort of AI Android that will protect us from harm, make our decisions, do our everyday chores but what about the inevitable of conquering space travel. If we have fully autonomous AI Androids processing at a very high intellectual level, such as remorse, sympathy, love, and or hate, rage or anger even when it comes to the quest for mankind reach for the stars. How do we incorporate this in too a political monetary and ultimately financial human construct of global society.

Do we use AI to travel and explore or do we do it our selves. You see for me I'm curious how Human evolution will turn out in say 100 years and the likes of 5000 years but at what point do we cut the cord and actually become responsibly for our own actions. If you have AI that will protect us. Protect us from what. Ourselves? Why? We create thees machines to do the hardest jobs such as factory work. Fine mechanical and machinery work but at what point do we say if we need to create an fully autonomous AI Android do we then incorporate thees in to our race. Is our race gonna die our. As far as I know the human race is still evolving and evolving at a rapid pace.

You could say this is just the next step in our understanding of Physics. Physics being a possible road to the Emotional make up of the AI in question and having at a very atomic level the basic construct for example; atomic, the foundations and building blocks of the world of AI. To manipulate the world around us, yeah we have been doing this for thousands of years but just recently we have come to an understand say for example the power of electricity and how to manipulate the unseen and harvest the sky's.

Do we ultimately use AI for our quest to reach for the stars of do we simply shut it down for the fear of the unknown. Yeah they could kill us all. Destroy our planet even but were does it end. Who takes responsibility and if in 5000 years are we are traveling the cosmos, what about RAW materials that are not readily available on out planet but mite be rich elsewhere. Is their other planets in what harness life, primitive or advance considering we are less than two hundred and fifty million years old. The universe what is predicted to be 6 billion years old how do we gage the understanding of technologically more advanced races if they do exist.

With the development of AI, How does this fit in to the monetary world we live. What are our objectives and ultimately goals for this technology. Are we being short sighted in thinking they will drive our cars, do our laundry or even do our factory jobs. Maybe entertain us. With the human race shooting off in 1.000.001 directions were are we gonna end up in 250 years. Is their a war coming. WW3 . Do we use thees AI Androids to command and conquer our enemies.

The entire construct of the AI Android is ultimately a goal for the human race to strive forward and achieve but if destructive use is intended in a countries military, were does it end. You have the Nuclear Bomb readily available to a lot of countries what as such as the Atomic bomb was used in WW2, as a people of a country or race how do we ensure the safe use for AI Androids when it comes to global dominance for a person or government.

You see for me this is a question of morals and ethics, and how do we manage the technology. At what point do we as a race stand on our own two feet and abolish Money, Property gain and possession. Will we ever get over the use for law and order in society.

Most crimes are committed threw drug use, emotional incompetence on behalf of a human being and if we give rise to AI do we take a back seat and as a people what is the use for this technology.

A question that has bugged me for a long time is will the human race reset it self. Will we ultimately destroy our selves. No one knows truly were we go when we die. We have faith and belief but at what point does science break threw and give us an understanding of the "Afterlife" ; in quotation, on our third dimensional plane.

Given rise to AI will be a lot easier than doing our boring day to day jobs and make machine work for example, a walk in the park. But then again despite my personal conflict with the Monetary world we live in. What do we have to strive for with out money and goals and achievements and to be reworded at the end of the month.

You see one of the biggest uses for AI could be in my opinion Medical related. The use of early AI in the use of preserving human life and treating medical related illnesses.

Personally speaking as we become more advanced even in our life time were we now have cameras in our TV this technology makes me anxious, not frightened but anxious because of the unknown and what will people do with it and what will it do to us. For me their are a lot of questions that are not answerable until the technology becomes readily available on a consumer scale.
That may be true, but that doesn't make optane any more exciting for me :p still an overhyped pos as far as the immediate effect it will have.

Why wouldn't an AI have emotions? I wouldn't think emotions are intrinsically biological at all, after all your brain could theoretically be reduced to just electrical impulses. How that maps to what you process as "emotion" I have no idea :p but there's nothing I can see as far as your brain network goes that requires meat to be included.
In your opinion. Their little cache thing they just released plus the enterprise SSD is just the beginning. SSDs were as slow as HDDs when they first came out. This new device has more 4k IOPS than anything we currently have at the start.
In your opinion. Their little cache thing they just released plus the enterprise SSD is just the beginning. SSDs were as slow as HDDs when they first came out. This new device has more 4k IOPS than anything we currently have at the start.

Genuine question.. what effect does IOPS have on a normal home user like me ?

I know more is better.. but i've never took the time to find out why :p
Genuine question.. what effect does IOPS have on a normal home user like me ?

I know more is better.. but i've never took the time to find out why :p
How many in and out operations your SSD can do and at what queue depth. Basically can keep things snippy under heavy load like OS boot or moving small files for whatever. Most apps generally use several smaller files as opposed to bigger ones so the more 4k IOPS you have the better performance you'll get under load. If you literally only do one thing at a time then it won't affect you. Of course the bigger SSD is for enterprise but the more competition comes out the quicker we'll see 1TB and 2TB drives come down in price. In all honesty that's all I care about and the future for Xpoint. Soul sees the now so doesn't care, I've spoken to Intel about their plans for it and I'm excited. I'll be pissed if it flops.
How many in and out operations your SSD can do and at what queue depth. Basically can keep things snippy under heavy load like OS boot or moving small files for whatever. Most apps generally use several smaller files as opposed to bigger ones so the more 4k IOPS you have the better performance you'll get under load. If you literally only do one thing at a time then it won't affect you. Of course the bigger SSD is for enterprise but the more competition comes out the quicker we'll see 1TB and 2TB drives come down in price. In all honesty that's all I care about and the future for Xpoint. Soul sees the now so doesn't care, I've spoken to Intel about their plans for it and I'm excited. I'll be pissed if it flops.

Ahhhhhh I see. Yeah IOPS sound pretty important then. I get it.

I think you are right though. This is the very first iteration of Optane, it will presumably get much faster. Seems unlikely they release the first product near it's theoretical maximum performance.

Hopefully one day we'll see photonic chips arrive...
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