Potentially the longest thread in history...

Sounds about right.

At least you didn't have to tell them whether to use left click or right click... I've had that several times. When I was in college and working at the support desk there (we assisted both students and staff at where I was positioned), we always had 1 staff member notorious for that... He also tried to type an email into Google (the search engine...not GMail). Everybody there had his number memorized, so when we saw it on the caller ID we all groaned and knew a 5 minute call was going to be 30+ minutes.

Haha yep plenty of people like that.

I've had a 70 minute call before for a tablet issue, which was quite painful. It was a combination of quite a tricky issue to solve, and an incompetent user. The two combined... *shivers*
My biggest complaint so far would be people who put in a ticket then don't respond to you.

Yeah thats annoying too. Especially when they put the priority as high and URGENT in the subject, but then just don't respond. Even better you ring them up to ask them and they say "No i'm too busy right now". Wait hangon, 2 minutes ago it was urgent ?

And on a similar note, when you fix it, but you get no thanks or acknowledgement of any kind.
Yeah thats annoying too. Especially when they put the priority as high and URGENT in the subject, but then just don't respond. Even better you ring them up to ask them and they say "No i'm too busy right now". Wait hangon, 2 minutes ago it was urgent ?

And on a similar note, when you fix it, but you get no thanks or acknowledgement of any kind.

Welcome to IT :p.
Work at a school with a bunch of older teachers. :tongue:
They're very grateful. I mean they brought me cookies, lunch, tea, money...
When I left that job they gave me $1200 and a whole crap ton of gift cards. I loved that place
Welcome to IT :p.

I love how we *itch and whine about end users.
One of my workers, a good friend now, would complain and complain and COMPLAIN!!!
He'd get so annoyed when someone didn't know basic 101 stuff.
The way I see it, If they did know basic 101.
A lot of us would be out of a job.
It's not their job to know.
We should be happy that they keep making the same ol mistakes over and over again
So let them hit the settings even though you didn't ask them to...lol!!!
Re: Today I have...

I have multiple people in other countries I can't text so FB makes it easier.

Get whatsapp or/and viber on your phone.
Saved me a lot of money when my wife was living in Dubai before we got married.
It's how a lot of us keep in touch with people from around the world
I love how we *itch and whine about end users.
One of my workers, a good friend now, would complain and complain and COMPLAIN!!!
He'd get so annoyed when someone didn't know basic 101 stuff.
The way I see it, If they did know basic 101.
A lot of us would be out of a job.
It's not their job to know.
We should be happy that they keep making the same ol mistakes over and over again
So let them hit the settings even though you didn't ask them to...lol!!!

IMO, that's not necessarily the problem. If they don't know, then they don't know. Ignorance is one thing - ignoring instructions is another.

At my last job, we could send out an e-mail weekly for a couple weeks in advance of a change we would be making. Put instructions out on how to do something, fliers up, etc. We'd still get people that say they "didn't know it was going to happen" or didn't know how to do said operation. We'd have to take time out from other issues, and either instruct them on something they could have read themselves...or just forward the email to them again containing the instructions.
Re: Today I have...

Get whatsapp or/and viber on your phone.
Saved me a lot of money when my wife was living in Dubai before we got married.
It's how a lot of us keep in touch with people from around the world

Viber always sounds like a sex-toy app or something :lol:.
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