Potentially the longest thread in history...

Yeah i've heard of that. Too be honest, I probably don't think it's all that weird because the UK has some of the hardest to predict and constantly changing weather anyway. It's not normally very interesting weather, but it sure as heck does change by the day. In winter we usually have a pool of warmer air sitting to our south west, and then exceptionally cold air sitting to the east in eastern europe, russia etc. So when one system just pushes the other out the way as it does often throughout winter, it can be 0c in the morning and 12c in the afternoon once the warmer front has made it over.. or vice versa.

We have quite a lot of mesoscale effects to, city of Birmingham is only about 35miles straight line west of where I live, it's also a very similar elevation, yet it receives roughly triple the amount of annual snowfall. I'm not to sure why to be honest, but it's true.


In other news, just saw this, I know its bad and I shouldn't laugh, but LOL LOL LOL. Pwnd ! The driver got 1 and 1/2 years in jail.
That's very nearly happened to me several times with trucks, they obviously haven't seen me and I have to kind of 'holy ****!' and try and jump up onto the pavement.

Also, using 'trucks' instead of 'lorries' now. Much better word.
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