Potentially the longest thread in history...

Well after a few hours of tweaking I finally got Windows set up on my new machine. Only to have it fail a few hours later. I've run multiple different antivirus programs and none of them found anything. So I'm going to do a reinstall. I think this is a new record for having to reinstall Windows. My computer takes about 25-30 seconds to boot into Windows but after that it takes about 2 minutes to connect to my network. I've tried both LAN ports on the board and I get the same issue. I'm really hoping that this is a software issue and not a hardware issue.
Re: Today I have...

Today, work was not enjoyable. Was snowing, 25 mph wind with gusts at 40+, and was chilly. Tomorrow is going to be colder. Woo.
Re: Today I have...

It was overcast for most of the day but it still got up to 79F, I think it's suppose to cool off a little tomorrow and then get cold for a couple of days but then it will get back to the 70's and 80's.
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