Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Didn't go in today because I didn't get home till 1:30am and I wasn't about to do the same thing again because I almost got killed a few times. When I got home last night I felt like I was jumped and had broken bones. This morning I woke up with a fever, hands on fire, a limp, and could not stop shivering despite it being 74 in my house. They texted and called several times but I had my phone shut off to get sleep. Tomorrow is an exam all of us new guys have to take (mandatory by DirecTV) and none of us have had time to study. I'm hoping if they fail and I pass I wont be fired for a no show today. Not to mention, yesterday wasted 50 bucks in gas and I made nothing on custom so have no money for gas. I looked at my jobs and they wanted me to do the same thing except in the opposite direction (another hour+ long drive).
Re: Today I have...

Didn't go in today because I didn't get home till 1:30am and I wasn't about to do the same thing again because I almost got killed a few times. When I got home last night I felt like I was jumped and had broken bones. This morning I woke up with a fever, hands on fire, a limp, and could not stop shivering despite it being 74 in my house. They texted and called several times but I had my phone shut off to get sleep. Tomorrow is an exam all of us new guys have to take (mandatory by DirecTV) and none of us have had time to study. I'm hoping if they fail and I pass I wont be fired for a no show today. Not to mention, yesterday wasted 50 bucks in gas and I made nothing on custom so have no money for gas. I looked at my jobs and they wanted me to do the same thing except in the opposite direction (another hour+ long drive).

Mguire, please closely READ what I'm about to say and try not to take personal offense with what I have to say.
Weather you realize it or not, the human body "CANNOT" take up more than 16 hours of work time.
Also by you not atleast getting 5-7 hours of sleep 24/7, you must be out of your ****ing mind to work nonstop like that.
I know you want this job, and so does everyone else who knows you personally.
Instead of waiting from a answer from your boss at 8am or 10am with a termination letter, you need to explain to him why you didn't show up.

Pretty much you have a valid reason or 2, you got sick which is true, also you are handling to much that you shouldnt.
Personally since I know you I would work the early morning shift until atleast clock off 4pm ir 5pm.
About your test, you have the internet, you should be able to somewhat brush up on what direct tv expects you to know.
Think of it Cisco, giving you your Network+ certification or whatever else, I think if you atleast do what you can on the test and try, your boss maybe notice it or look at you and spare you some money on a retest.

I know you have more exp in somes areas, but you need to know how to slow your role, before you end up killing yourself.
It aint fun passing out at a job and die over some hours is it ? <_<

I'll check back with you later on, I get my own issues going on at the moment.
Re: Today I have...

They expect us all to do this on a regular basis, which most do. The difference last night was it was freezing and I was out way past the sun went down plus the rain turned into frozen shards of ow in my eyes and face. My last job was a mud pit which means my ladder was covered in mud, so were the shingles causing me to almost fall 4 different times. The SR techs do 5-6 jobs a day and since I only had 4 they expected me to take care of this easily. In reality (and management knows this, they were techs too) nothing EVER goes right. Meaning a 30 minute upgrade turns into a 3 hour pain in the ass where you want to cuss out everything including the customer until you leave. I've been doing this job on a regular basis with 4-5 hours of sleep or less besides the nights I'm lucky to sleep all 8 hours. Comes with the territory with having a kid. Sunday we had a 13 hour long class on this exam we are having tomorrow. Meaning I had enough time to get home, make my dinner, and get about 5 hours of sleep. I have a notepad FULL of notes that all need to be memorized (currently studying until I saw your FB message) for a 50 answer test and you can only miss 10. We have 12-15 or so new techs that HAVE to take this test or their tech number is parked so means no jobs. If you fail, no jobs. To retake the test it costs 250 bucks (they deduct the first 250 out of your check anyways) and I can't afford this. Since most of the test is made up of frequencies you have to memorize that deal with specific things, polarities ect ect, I have no way of actually memorizing all of this in a day. As for calling and telling them, would say others do this on a regular basis and I should too. I don't intend on winding up like my friend today who is in the ER for falling off a ladder. I've done what I can for this job, but I have made NO money yet, we have bills that are past due, I'm literally killing myself trying to do more jobs in a day than a usual new tech would be doing (for more money), and I have to make up for the 2 weeks I was out not getting paid for when the kid came. Not to mention, I have no more gas money so I can't be doing these long hauls. I have been looking for another job, but I'm bumping it up 5 notches to find another one. Even if it is minimum full time. It paid the bills for 2 years, and it'll give us cash and me time to find better work. Not to mention, hourly shifts and more time with my family. Our relationship is on the very line right now because I have literally no time. I get home, I eat, I sleep. I can't help with the kid, do house chores, take care of things, or anything. I have to call in to make an excuse to stay out to do things. So, anyone looking at work with DirecTV, make sure you go with the parent company and not a subcontractor. They pretty the job up, but it's **** unless you go in with money to spare.

Edit: Funny thing about my friend being in the ER. He was kind of mocking me saying his job doesn't let them work in the rain since it is a hazard and dangerous to install on roofs. Karma is totally a *****.
Re: Today I have...

Got my i5 2500K and ASUS P67 EVO motherboard. Installing Windows 7 on my SSD and hopefully doing some serious overclocking.
Re: Today I have...

Got my i5 2500K and ASUS P67 EVO motherboard. Installing Windows 7 on my SSD and hopefully doing some serious overclocking.

Are you using the Corsair H70 or a Xigmatek S1283? With the H70 you should be able to hit 4.8GHz easy :thumbsup:
Re: Today I have...

hey PP carry a packet of confetti in your pocket so you can throw it around so if you fall at least it looks great!
Re: Today I have...

Are you using the Corsair H70 or a Xigmatek S1283? With the H70 you should be able to hit 4.8GHz easy :thumbsup:

I'm using the Xigmatek. I ended up putting the H70 in the family computer because of how it was blocking airflow and now I don't really want to mess with it. I'm thinking about getting a newer heatsink pretty soon though so hopefully I'll be able to get up that high.
Re: Today I have...

They expect us all to do this on a regular basis, which most do. The difference last night was it was freezing and I was out way past the sun went down plus the rain turned into frozen shards of ow in my eyes and face. My last job was a mud pit which means my ladder was covered in mud, so were the shingles causing me to almost fall 4 different times. The SR techs do 5-6 jobs a day and since I only had 4 they expected me to take care of this easily. In reality (and management knows this, they were techs too) nothing EVER goes right. Meaning a 30 minute upgrade turns into a 3 hour pain in the ass where you want to cuss out everything including the customer until you leave. I've been doing this job on a regular basis with 4-5 hours of sleep or less besides the nights I'm lucky to sleep all 8 hours. Comes with the territory with having a kid. Sunday we had a 13 hour long class on this exam we are having tomorrow. Meaning I had enough time to get home, make my dinner, and get about 5 hours of sleep. I have a notepad FULL of notes that all need to be memorized (currently studying until I saw your FB message) for a 50 answer test and you can only miss 10. We have 12-15 or so new techs that HAVE to take this test or their tech number is parked so means no jobs. If you fail, no jobs. To retake the test it costs 250 bucks (they deduct the first 250 out of your check anyways) and I can't afford this. Since most of the test is made up of frequencies you have to memorize that deal with specific things, polarities ect ect, I have no way of actually memorizing all of this in a day. As for calling and telling them, would say others do this on a regular basis and I should too. I don't intend on winding up like my friend today who is in the ER for falling off a ladder. I've done what I can for this job, but I have made NO money yet, we have bills that are past due, I'm literally killing myself trying to do more jobs in a day than a usual new tech would be doing (for more money), and I have to make up for the 2 weeks I was out not getting paid for when the kid came. Not to mention, I have no more gas money so I can't be doing these long hauls. I have been looking for another job, but I'm bumping it up 5 notches to find another one. Even if it is minimum full time. It paid the bills for 2 years, and it'll give us cash and me time to find better work. Not to mention, hourly shifts and more time with my family. Our relationship is on the very line right now because I have literally no time. I get home, I eat, I sleep. I can't help with the kid, do house chores, take care of things, or anything. I have to call in to make an excuse to stay out to do things. So, anyone looking at work with DirecTV, make sure you go with the parent company and not a subcontractor. They pretty the job up, but it's **** unless you go in with money to spare.

Edit: Funny thing about my friend being in the ER. He was kind of mocking me saying his job doesn't let them work in the rain since it is a hazard and dangerous to install on roofs. Karma is totally a *****.

Well when you put it like that, I can see why what you did what you had to.
Wasnt trying to come off to ruff, but I see some people around your age in ga loose a job quicker than that.
Some people just dont care about a job, until they loose their shelter and everything else with them.
Do what you have to make it work, I have faith you'll keep the job and pass your test.
Re: Today I have...

Well when you put it like that, I can see why what you did what you had to.
Wasnt trying to come off to ruff, but I see some people around your age in ga loose a job quicker than that.
Some people just dont care about a job, until they loose their shelter and everything else with them.
Do what you have to make it work, I have faith you'll keep the job and pass your test.
I have a family and I'm the only provider so I do what I can to keep the jobs I get. I had to just cut it today because I'm not going to kill myself over work. We are working on plans just in case we get kicked out so might not have to worry about some of the bills but instead need a new place to stay. (Started happening before the job thing).
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