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Re: Today I have...

I'd wager that's because Android appeals more to the technically-minded geek than an Apple equivalent.

Slightly related, today I messed around with a cheap Samsung that someone on my course has, since it has Bada and I hadn't tried it out yet. It runs... okay. Features are limited, and particularly so are apps. Wouldn't recommend it.

I've never actually seen a Bada phone.

Whats funny is despite being Samsung's number 2 os Bada still has twice the marketshare of Windows Phone 7.
Re: Today I have...

I never realized it either until they happened to include Bada in one of the more recent breakdowns of smartphone marketshare. I knew Windows Phone 7 wasn't doing well but I had know idea that it was that bad.
Re: Today I have...

Umm yea HTC + Droid = Freedom.

HTC is owned by the Chinese government, and it's also not GPL compatible and google also hides lots of code.
Re: Today I have...

I wanna get a good droid for page plus but the options kinda suck. It has to be verizon clean esn and my price range is 150 max. must have decent battery, wifi, and SD card.... if you can find one (no contract) for me that's be awesome!!!


the best deals on newegg for unlocked phones are friggin att and they suuuuuuck baaaadly in my area and there are no prepaid options (3rd party) that have cheap data. ATT prepaid requires a 30/mo or more data plan in addtion to your 20/mo non contract plan which is almost as much as a regular contract phone anyways!!!) **** newegg doesn't even have much verizon unlocked phones... they mostly have att. yuuuuuck!

verizon has the best coverage in my area...

I would get a virgin mobile or kroger i-wireless phone (since they have cheap phones and kroger wireless gives you rewards for buying groceries and I shop there a lot) but they have crappy coverage in my area.... you go just 10 miles east or west of my "city" and you have no service.... grrr..... and boost mobile is the same. net10/tracfone have a 50/mo data plan requirement on thier droids. not needed since I will be mostly using wifi data.

30/mo is all I'm willing to pay for a phone a month since I barely make/rec. calls.
my average electric bill is like 80/mo we use 3 computers all the time, mine has a 660w psu and my hubbys has a 680w psu and my sister's only is 400w I think. most systems use like 350 or something most of the time.

we use energy saver bulbs and only have two rooms lit most of the night. we have good southern exposure so the house stays well lit in the daytime.

we use LED nightlights for the halls and bathrooms. (mostly for looks but it still helps)

we only do laundry 1 or 2 times a week.

I shower almost every day but only take 35 mins compare to most women taking 2 hours LOL.

we currently have 3 people incl. me in the house and one cat.
Re: Today I have...

Umm yea HTC + Droid = Freedom.

HTC is owned by the Chinese government, and it's also not GPL compatible and google also hides lots of code.

I can't say I am a fan of HTC these days. They used to have the best phones out there but they have really fallen behind Samsung in performance this generation.

Remixed the cheapest option for a smartphone is Tmobile's $30 prepaid plan that has unlimited data and text with 100 minutes. If you don't make many calls that should be perfect for you.
Prompted me to check my electric bill. $219. :(

It varies between $200-300/month. In the summer it's like $350+/month.

My family is actually in the process now of reducing our bill. Just today we replaced all the ceiling lights with one 13w bulb instead of 2x20w bulbs. There are 10 ceiling lights that hold 2 bulbs each, so we basically cut our light usage in half right there. And I started turning off the computer during the day while I'm at work. Before it was 24/7.

$80/month is really low. Good job on that, cat.
We have the highest minimum wage in the country. $8.56 an hour and it is going up in January... That is what I get paid for all my jobs and I have like $85 worth of payments a month and make only $300 a monthish from my job. Then I wheel and deal what ever I can for the rest.
Re: Today I have...

t-mobile=not very good coverage in my area.... a little better then virgin mobile but still not as good as verizon/PP.... ;-(

also the mobile web is partner coverage only (no 3g or even close speeds) in my area... ;-( def. not going with them.
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